116-✨..The End..✨ Gonta x Reader

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(Heya guys, today's story is gonna be a "little" different so be prepared! enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

The killing game is included and it takes place at the end of the game so spoilers for all the chapters if u haven't finished the game yet

Warning⚠️: swearing, gore, disturbing stuff


There were so many deaths of our friends that we had to go through, the people who survived this hell hole are just me, Maki, Shuichi, Himiko, Kibo, Tsumugi and Gonta.

Only for Tsumugi to reveal herself as the mastermind, and that's when Kibo decided to destroy this place for eternity, including us too.

I was waiting for my death to come and finally reunite with the others.. even if it's all fictional... I feel that my emotions and my love for my friends are fully real so.. yeah bring it on!!


...but it never came? As I was trying to understand the situation, Gonta was pulling me by my arm from under a boulder and asking if I was alright. 'What? Did we.. make it? Did we actually make it?? How are we alive?!' I thought while looking around finding everyone except Tsumugi and... Kibo.

When Himiko mentions that Kibo sacrificed himself and let us live, I was shocked but then I realized something 'wait, it's finally over?.. The killing game is over... the trials are no more?...' I teared up a bit, which didn't go unnoticed by Gonta "(Y/N)?.." He said softly which I wipe away my eyes "I'm.. fine... I'm alright! don't worry about me.." I said and give him a smile which he smiles back.

The others look at me confused but I gave them an 'ok' sign with my hand which made them look at each other then shrug "We can't stay here.. let's check out the other world" Maki said facing the 'other side' "Yeah I agree, let's go.." I said while looking at the sky as well, we will finally escape this hell we've been through.

As we went to the other side, we were greeted by a large city and a bunch of people walking while doing their thing "huh.. so it's really over? I still can't believe it" said Himiko while looking around "So do we like... forget what happened and move on with our life? Makes it better by living here?" Maki questioned with confusion in her voice "yeah.. that will be lovely don't you think?" I said softly, smiling at them.

(Let's say you guys somehow find a way to get money and bought phones, houses and other stuff- I'm too lazy to think about it sorry lol--))

So with that, we stay in contact and separate into our own way, except Gonta and I as we decided to live together, the other three look at us blankly when we mentioned it but they didn't question and let us be.


One day when I was out shopping, I got a call from Gonta, I pick it up and answer "Heyo dear, you need anything?" I said cheerfully, he was silent for a moment but then answer "Gonta... wants to meet you near the ocean we always go to" and with that he hangs up immediately 'that's weird? he never hangs up that fast, espacially not before saying goodbye or something..' I thought worriedly but quickly went to his destination.

When I arrived to Gonta's place, he was leaning on the fence, facing the ocean.

I approached him and put a hand on his arm "Gonta? Are you alright sweetie?" I said with such worry in my voice, he sniffs and turns his head, showing me his crying face "Gonta.. can't stop thinking about the killing game (Y/N), all our friends' deaths... G-Gonta is traumatized! Gonta can't help but feels his heart has been shattered..!" He chokes back the tears, making me upset.

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now