128-✨😸CATCH🐁✨ Neko Gonta x Reader

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(y'all i'm not dead, i'm just very unmotivated even to draw TwT I got a question on tumblr about how neko Gonta would react to seeing a mouse which gave me a motivating push- imma stop yapping lel, enjoy!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was in my dorm with Gonta as usual, I had to take care of him until he's back to normal since Miu 'accidentally' turned him into a cat... or more like half cat, still it was kinda weird but I am not complaining since he is more adorable if that's even possible.

Actually it wasn't even meant to be him, it was supposed to be me but...


"Miu I don't think that's a good idea, why not test it on something else to not cause harm?" I said while backing away from the girl who had one of her crazy inventions in her hand, until my back hits the wall "pal relax it's only gonna be a quicky and who knows if it'll work on a object? you were the closest one to be my test subject, now hold still" she said before locking her aim at my forehead which made me freeze as a reaction.

'That's it, I don't know what type of shenanigan I have to deal with because of Miu's stubbornness, goodbye world and screw you Miu... huh?' before I could finish complaining, Gonta gently pushed me out of the way and he took the hit instead. "Gonta no!" I exclaimed surprised, when did he even get here? he fell down due to the impact as I crouched down beside him to see if he was okay.

He grabs his head in pain as I look up at Miu with an irritated look "Miu what is wrong with you, I told you not to shoot!" she looks back at me and smirks "well how would I know that my new creation will work perfectly?" "what do you mean by tha-" I felt something brush over my cheek as I glance back at Gonta to see... cat ears?! "ugh... what happened to Gonta?" Gonta groans and was gonna rub his head to ease the pain only to feel something soft which got him confused.

"ain't no way you just turned Gonta into a cat, Miu!" I said shocked, trying to be mad "'half cat' and chill out, don't pretend you don't like it!" she giggles mischievously which made me flustered a bit "w-well, when is he gonna get back to normal?" I replied trying to change the subject "hmm let's sayyy it stays for a day, but you need to care for him since he turns stupid with this effect.. or even more stupid if I say so myself" she informs which earns a deadly glare from me which made her lowers her gaze, sweating a bit.

She clears her throat nervously "a-anyways, run along I have shit to do!" she said before choo-ing us out of her lab.

Oh boy, this is gonna be an interesting situation to be in.

*end of Flashbacks*

He was on the floor playing with his toy that is shaped like a mouse while wagging his tail until he threw it hard that it got under the bed, he crawls towards the bed to get it but since he was big, his arm didn't get far in there to get his toy which made him pout.

He looks at me with those puppy dog eyes as his cat ears go down and I look back at him confused "what's wrong Gonta?" I said trying so hard not to squeal from how much of a cutie he's being, he points under the bed "toy" he said simply, the more time he spends being half cat the more minimum his responses becomes, I look at the bed then glance back at Gonta "no need to be sad, I'll get it for you" I respond with a gentle smile as I make my way over the bed.

I crouch down and look under the bed to look for the toy and saw it in the center, I reached my hand in to grab it only for the 'toy'  turns its head towards me, as we stare at each other for a moment....

"AAHHH!!" I screamed and tried to back off quick, only to hit my head on the bed frame and startles Gonta "OW OW- AN ACTUAL MOUSE, WHERE THE HELL DID IT CAME FROM?!" I ignored the pain on the back of my head because of panic, backing away from the bed.

Gonta looks at you to see if you're alright, only to see the mouse start zooming around the room which made me yell in shock and turn fast, running fast towards Gonta "nope nope, screw this!!" I yelled out which made Gonta chuckle as he picks me up bridal style "mouse won't hurt (y/n), Gonta promise" he gently said which made me blush as I look up at the ceiling to avoid looking at the mouse and Gonta "I-I know, still scary though..." I answered.

Gonta nods and puts me down behind him "Gonta got this" he said determind and looks at the mouse and crouching down and traps the mouse between his arms and smiles as his eyes dilates and his tail starts wagging...

"this is more fun than playing with toy..."

(meh I got stuck in the end and didn't know how to end it lol, but hopefully u enjoyed and i'm so sorry for being offline, I dunno what else to say so eh- I guess I'll cya next chapter? hopefully?-

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(meh I got stuck in the end and didn't know how to end it lol, but hopefully u enjoyed and i'm so sorry for being offline, I dunno what else to say so eh- I guess I'll cya next chapter? hopefully?- ...yeah no i'm probably gonna die again.. sorry idk lmao- BYEE!! xD))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now