114-✨🛡️My Protector🛡️✨ Female Gonta x Delinquent Reader

178 7 16

(Eyy hey y'all, sorry for not uploading much I don't have motivation to write anything so- but I'm making female Gonta again lezgooo! enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

Warning⚠️: lots of swearing


Never thought I'll hate school this much before, I was in class and it was another day to survive its shitty people. There's nothing wrong with the system of education, it's just the teachers and the students are the worst.

First, whatever you do doesn't satisfy the teachers and any types of mistakes lead you to detention. We don't even speak about the students, if you can't stand up for yourself then it's over for you, the constant bullying is enough to make you transform to another school.

You could say I was a normal student before, but being here for a while turned me into a delinquent, I mean I had to really. I was the most person to be messed with by both teachers and students, now they left me alone when I turned cold.

Anyways enough of that, I was in class sitting in the far back like usual, leaning back in my chair not paying attention. Until suddenly the door opens to reveal a tall girl who timidly entered the classroom.

"You finally showed up, ugh why so soon.. well, everyone this is a new student please treat her nicely, how about you introduce yourself" said the teacher boredly and the girl nodded facing us "Hello, Gonta is name is Gonta Gokuhara! Gonta hope we can be friends!!" Gonta said with such happiness.

"Pfft, why she talks like that?" "I don't know better not mess with her, can't you see how big she is?" I heard whispers among the students which I roll my eyes to.

"As much as I don't want you to be near (Y/N), go sit next to them since that's the only seat available, (Y/N) would you raise your hand?" The teacher said but I ignored her "(Y/N).. I asked you nicely, would you raise your hand?" asked Mrs with venom in her voice which made me groan in the process and lazily raise my arm.

Gonta approaches and sits next to me, there goes my privacy, she looks at me for a moment which made me glare at her I thought she'll get offended like any other student instead she smiles and looks at the board to copy whatever written in it.

I felt my heart melts which made me blush a little and looks away to hide my face '..what was that?' I asked with such confusion.

*Time Skips*

I gather my things so I can get out if this hell hole only to bump into something soft, I took a step back only to see Gonta smiling down at me "Hey! What's your name?" She asked sweetly but I only brush over her and leave the classroom.

Just when I thought she'll leave me alone, she followed me like a lost puppy, I tried to pick up my pace to get away but she catches up to me quickly due to her long legs, I let out a groan and turn to look at her "Don't you have anything better to do?" I asked harshly and she pushes her fingertips together "Um.. G-Gonta don't know her way around so Gonta wonder... if you could show her?" she said softly while looking away.

I was gonna refuse but I remember there's no other person will be kind enough to help her, I sigh and turn around walking away a bit "fine... but you better hurry up" I whispered which made her grin and walks next to me.

"Are you gonna tell Gonta your name?" Gonta asked which made me sigh again "(Y/N)" I said so dryly "(Y/N)? Such a cute name!" She said which made me look at her in confusion yet a little flustered 'why did I agree to this..' I thought palming my red face.

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now