90-✨🖐Pat🖐✨ Gonta x Reader

172 8 10

(howdy y'all! I hope u have a lovely day!! and omg this book is almost reaching to 100 chpters holy XD anyways enjoy! x3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


"Gonta's done changing and he's ready for bed!" Gonta said while getting out from the bathroom to find you sleeping 'they fell asleep already?' Gonta thoughts smiling and he approaches the bed.

you looked so peaceful that Gonta couldn't help but stare at your beauty blushing a bit, he didn't notice that he reaches his hand over your head and touches your hair, playing with it a little.

He flinched back when you moved to your side covering yourself with the blanket.

Gonta starts sweating a bit fearing that he woke you up, he looked over to find you still asleep so he let out a sigh of relief and starts blushing a lot, embarrassed of his action. '..why did Gonta do that?- Gonta can not do that out of nowhere! Very ungentleman like to touch someone's hair without their permission.. good thing (Y/N) is still sleeping' Gonta thoughts while rubbing his cheek trying to calm his red face.


...little does he know that you were awake the whole time and was blushing madly..

aww even if it's short it's still cute if I say so myself! I hope you enjoyed and see ya next time! take care and stay safe y'all!! x3👋))

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aww even if it's short it's still cute if I say so myself! I hope you enjoyed and see ya next time! take care and stay safe y'all!! x3👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now