77-🖤..You are Gonta's..🖤 yandere Gonta x reader (angst)

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(obviously is gonna be angst hehe idk why I love doing it!XD-- so be prepared and enjoy!! >:D))

' ': thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

killing game is included

Warning⚠️: angst, blood, killling and any other yandere stuff- also Gonta is not himself soo he's gonna be a ""bit"" mean xD

third person's pov:

as you were walking around the school you decided to go visit Gonta and see how he's doing, he has been very quiet lately.. I mean with this active killing game not even someone as innocent as him can stay sane.

You went towards his dorm and knocked.. no answer. you knocked once more... still nothing 'umm.. maybe he's in his lab?' you thought starting to worry a bit. so with that you went straight towards his lab, before you could knock, you heard a big BANG coming from the place your heading to. without thinking, you rushed inside to see what happened..

you immediately regret doing so as you almost threw up from the strong smell of blood and amount of dead bodies of your friends. infront of you, was the gentleman you used to know with a bloody knife in his hand. 

..he was also covered in blood... 'c-could it be?-' you were so scared, you tried to escape but it was too late as he noticed you and charged at you.

Before you could scream, Gonta was so fast to cover your mouth smiling widely and insanely unlike the bright and innocent ones he used to give you. "shh (Y/N) don't scream! it's only Gonta!!" he giggled like the situation is normal "look! Gonta got rid of everyone to protect (Y/N) like gentleman!! now Gonta and (Y/N) can finally be in peace without worrying about others!!"

you couldn't believe or understand what he's talking about, you were so scared, this isn't the Gonta you used to know and love! he completely lost it!
He reached to grab your hands but you backed away instantly "huh? (Y/N) is something wrong?" "w-wrong? WRONG?! G-Gonta are you insane?! you killed them all!! THEY ARE GONE!!" Gonta looked at you in confusion "but Gonta did it for you! Gonta wanted us to stay safe and be together!!" Gonta said with such happiness "n-no.. NO! I WOULD NEVER BE WITH YOU, YOU KILLER!!(ouchies that hurts to write--))

Gonta clenched his jaw and hands and he looked at you while glaring(which was scary-)), you shrinked in fear and tried to run.

he quickly grabbed you by the shoulders and pinned you to the wall so pissed off "WHY WON'T (Y/N) ACCEPT GONTA!? GONTA WILL DO ANYTHING! GONTA BE GENTLEMAN!! JUST LOVE GONTA!!!" you never heard Gonta scream, not at you at least. you started crying so hard and you covered your eyes hopelessly, this is just too much to handle "G-Gonta please stop! y-your scaring me!!..." you continued to sob.

seeing you sad, Gonta immediately snapped out of it "...scare?" he lets go of your shoulders and gently held you close to him.
"Gonta never EVER mean harm for (Y/N)!.. but (Y/N) don't understand! Gonta loves (Y/N) so much.." he hugged you tightly  "why can't they see that?!" He stayed silent for a moment until he smiled creepily.

"..Gonta will teach his little butterfly how to love him..."

(WOA!! I love how this turned out!! XDD not many stories/oneshots about yandere Gonta tbh(the ones I find make him a softy yandere- I WANT ANGST AND EVIL GONTA LIKE POEJFZP--)) so I went like "FINE! i'll do it myself!!" XDD👌))again I made some sk...

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(WOA!! I love how this turned out!! XDD not many stories/oneshots about yandere Gonta tbh(the ones I find make him a softy yandere- I WANT ANGST AND EVIL GONTA LIKE POEJFZP--)) so I went like "FINE! i'll do it myself!!" XDD👌))
again I made some sketches about dis bc our boy deserve it!! >:DD💖💖

(WOA!! I love how this turned out!! XDD not many stories/oneshots about yandere Gonta tbh(the ones I find make him a softy yandere- I WANT ANGST AND EVIL GONTA LIKE POEJFZP--)) so I went like "FINE! i'll do it myself!!" XDD👌))again I made some sk...

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(cute evil boy hehe- *ahem ahem* SO YEP!! as always I hope you enjoyed and cya next chapter! P E A C E ✌💖))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now