101-✨🖤..My Last Hope..🖤✨ Gonta x Reader

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(Heyo y'all welcome back! this is gonna be a sad chapter so prepare and enjoy!!))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

The killing game is included and it takes place in and after chpt4 so spoilers if u haven't finished the game yet

Warning⚠️: angst, abit of swearing


It was night time and everybody went back to their dorms to sleep, well except me I can't even take a nap, not after what happened in the 4th trial.. I don't think I'll ever recover from it like EVER...


Voting was already have been done, I voted for myself bc there's no way I'll vote Gonta.. yet the rest voted for him and it was.. "that's right! you voted correctly! Gonta is indeed the culprit!!" Monokuma laughed evilly which made me shrink in confusion and anger.

"no.. NO!!" I shouted as tears run down my eyes and got infront of Gonta in a protecting manner "you're not taking him! I can't lose him too!!" I tried to wipe away my tears but new ones keeps coming out "please anyone but him!.." I said as my voice died down because of crying.

Everyone was very sad about the situation but seeing you breakdown made it even worse. espacially to Gonta, he was speechless and was holding back tears.

He gently hugs you from behind and said in a shaky voice "Gonta is so sorry (Y/N)! Please don't cry because of him!.."

Hearing him like this made me let out a sob and turn to him hugging him so tightly "w-why are you sorry? you didn't do anything right?? W-WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING GONTA?!"

At this point, Gonta also started crying and makes me let go of him "H-Hey wait!!--" before I could reach him somebody grabs me stopping me from doing so "N-NO! PLEASE LET ME GO!!--" "Stop it! you're gonna get yourself killed if you go against Monokuma!!"

I turned to see Maki and she was holding me so tightly, I tried to break free but there's no way I could, Maki is way more stronger than me...

"Gonta loves you all.." Gonta said before looking at me while smiling as tears was dripping from his eyes "Espacially you (Y/N).. thank you for the times you spent with Gonta..."

I let out a gasp "G-Gonta I--" "are y'all done yet?? well i'm getting bored, I made this special only for the ultimate entomologist!! IT'SSS PUNISHEMENT TIMEEEE!!!" Monokuma said "H-Hey WAIT!! Gonta?!" I reached out my hand trying to grab the gentleman but to no avail since Maki didn't let go of me, so my hand is just hanging in the air.

"Gonta so sorry... Gonta...idiot!!.." said alter ego Gonta.

In a blink of an eye, a monokuma chain has wrapped around Gonta's neck taking him away to his punishement "NOOO!! GONTAAAAAAA!!!" I called his name so loudly while crying uncontrollable as I was moving trying so hard to break free.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed with all my might falling on my knees covering my face, if it weren't for Maki who was still holding me, I would have fallen on the ground so hard...

The whole execution is just me crying so hard while screaming loudly in pain and despair 'WHY!? JUST WHY HIM?!!' I thought repeatedly trying so hard to find an answer.

*after the execution*

'that's it.. He is gone... forever....' I thought blanky completely silent, I froze in my place feeling so numb. Maki slowly lets go of me which made me fall on my knees softly, staring blankly at the ground with dry tears on my face.

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now