54- ✨🌊Beach Time🌊✨ Gonta x Reader

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(yo! this takes place in danganronpa s [I didn't watch it bc I got lazy but I only saw Gonta's parts XD👌] so forgive me if I don't do it right- enjoy! x3))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


I was walking around the beach trying to find my classmates but to no avail 'perhaps they are still changing to their swimsuits?' I thought as I was looking at the beautiful sea ahead of me 'I guess i'll wait' I said while rubbing my arm, they are the only people I know here since I didn't introduce myself to the others... yet. I build a sandcastle to pass the time "um? hey (Y/N)!" I heard a familiar voice, I turned to find the one and only lovely gentleman, Gonta Gokuhara and..

you blushed so hard that you felt like a tomato 'holy crap.. he's so handsome!' your mouth was slighly agape as you were admiring the gentleman's beauty 'he's so magnificent and ripped like how strong is this boy really??' you didn't realize you were staring the whole time until Gonta waved his hand trying to get your attention, smiling "earth to (Y/N) are you there? Gonta would love to talk to them!" you snapped out of it blushing in embarressement.

you looked down cause for sure you can't make eye contact with him 'TOO HOT-' you thought before saying "heyy Gonta! you're super hot- I MEAN the weather's super hot haha!.. tho you're very gorgeous too--" you stopped yourself by fake coughing and clearing your throat "so u-um wanna.. maybe go swim together?" Gonta looked at you amused and giggled cutely "ehe~ sure!"

You saw Gonta throwing Himiko into the beach and your eyes immediately turned into stars. "Me next me next!!" You run towards him jumping excitedly, He chuckled at your adorableness and said "alrighty!" He gently holds you by your hips and send you a smile "Ready?" "Yes!" You answered eagerly, and with that you feel your body rise up and get thrown into the sky "WEEEEEE!!" You shouted in happiness before you fell in the water.
You came up to the surface only to be knocked down again by a big splash that Gonta did while doing a canonball, which that made him laugh, you came back again and splashed him back giggling.

(eh- this is short since I didn't know what to write lmao xd but Bruh when I first saw Gonta shirtless I simped so hard that I couldn't look at em without getting flustered💝💓❤💞❤💖💞✨✨--- I still simp for that tho LIKE DANG HE'S SO RIPPED CANT U...

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(eh- this is short since I didn't know what to write lmao xd but Bruh when I first saw Gonta shirtless I simped so hard that I couldn't look at em without getting flustered💝💓❤💞❤💖💞✨✨--- I still simp for that tho LIKE DANG HE'S SO RIPPED CANT U SEE HOW STRONG AND HANDSOME THIS MAN IS?? XDD💞💕💕❤❤💖💝💟💗💖❤💕💞💖💖💖✨✨✨✨

in danganronpa S, I love the scene when he throws the others in the water (when he yeeted Hifumi I died laughting😂👌-)) I kinda wanna try that too and let Gonta throw me in da wotah!! >:D💖💖✨✨ but enough of me talking, hope you enjoyed! Have an amazing weekend and peace out!!✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now