29-✨⌛helping⌛✨ Sad Gonta x reader (short)

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(idk how I got this idea BUT I thought It'll be cute if reader san comfort the gentle giant? Idk- but hope you enjoy!))

' ': thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message

No killing game included Ù-Ú

Reader's pov:

while I was having a picnic with Gonta, for some reason he didn't look too happy rather.. sad.
so I looked up at him and questioned him, "hey.. I noticed that you're kind of down are you alright?" he didn't answer yet he just looked my way

I sweated a bit and rubbed his arm in a comfort way and asked him again "you don't usually look down, did something happen?" he didn't reply so then I stopped walking so did he and I asked the same question, he looked away, but I turned his head

he kinda was shocked but yet his beautiful red orbs says otherwise and was shifted in sadness and his surprised face went back to a sad frown, I looked back at him upset and said mentally 'screw it' as I closed the gap between us and rubbed my nos...

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he kinda was shocked but yet his beautiful red orbs says otherwise and was shifted in sadness and his surprised face went back to a sad frown, I looked back at him upset and said mentally 'screw it' as I closed the gap between us and rubbed my nose against his while saying "woy r u sad?" in a kind of playful way.

he kinda was shocked but yet his beautiful red orbs says otherwise and was shifted in sadness and his surprised face went back to a sad frown, I looked back at him upset and said mentally 'screw it' as I closed the gap between us and rubbed my nos...

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I kept doing it until both of us start giggling

(Sadness doesn't suit Gonta at all! I will do anything to bring his happiness back!! Ò^Ó✊💖💓💖💖✨✨))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now