78-✨Big Chest?✨ Gonta x Reader (just for fun XD)

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(idk why but y e s ))

(Y/N): "Hey Gonta.. why are your boobas so big?"
Gonta blushed: "wha-- they are not-...that.."
(Y/N) chuckled a bit: "hehe do you have to wear a bra?"

Gonta blushed a lot and covered his face in embarresment: "(Y/N) what are you on about??"
(Y/N) just burst out laughting (XDD👌👌))

"(Y/N) chuckled a bit: "hehe do you have to wear a bra?"Gonta blushed a lot and covered his face in embarresment: "(Y/N) what are you on about??"(Y/N) just burst out laughting (XDD👌👌))

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(..Iam looking.... r e s p e c t f u l l y 😳👉👈-- ))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now