108-✨☕He Wants To Order☕✨ Gonta x Reader (just for fun XD)

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(Yes, this is the meme template and yes, I'm making a story for it... BC BOREDOM!! XDD, hope you enjoy tho!!))

(F/D): Favorite Drink

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


Gonta and I were home watching TV, cuddling on the couch. I was bored so I turn to Gonta and starts playing with his hair "Hey Gonta?" I call his name as he hums for a response "Do you wanna go buy some drinks?" I asked smiling

He turns his head, giving me his full attention "sure! Gonta will go get ready" He pats my head, which made me blush then he gets up and goes to our room. I lean on the couch "I'll pay this time and I'm not taking no as an answer!" I yelled so he can hear me, I heard him whine which made me giggle.

A few minutes has past and Gonta comes back "Ok Gonta is all prepared!" I examine his clothes and give him a grin "looking good!" I complement him "Oh! t-thank you.." He said while blushing which made me blush as well, I wear my shoes and said "alright let's goo!"

We got in the car and I drive to the nearest coffee shop.

*Time Skips*

I pulled in a drive thru "welcome, what do you like to order?" Said the service "I'd like (F/D)" I said and turn to Gonta "And what do you want?" I asked which made him frown "(Y/N) you always forget what Gonta wants" He pouted playfully "Ah.. sorry it just your order is very hard to memorize" I replied rubbing the back of my head.

"No worries, Gonta can order for himself!" Gonta said with determination "Oh yeah, but I don't think they can hear you from there- AcK--" Without finishing my sentence, Gonta scoots over and goes to the other side of the window where Iam at, kinda squishing me.

"Hello? Yeah Gonta would like to order.." As he was speaking, I was zoning out trying to process what just happened then becomes very flustered. I accidentally glance at Gonta's behind which made me immediately look at the car's roof 'pervert..' I said in my thoughts blushing a lot.

When he finally finishes, he went back to his seat and smiles "see? Gonta handled it!" He said proudly, I tug on my shirt collar to release the hot air and replied "you sure did big boy" He looks at me for a second which made me a bit nervous "are you okay? your face is red" He asked kinda worried.

"Oh pfft yeahh, some kind of weather am I right?"
"Um.. the weather is clear"

 the weather is clear""A-"

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(Hear me out.. I don't like drawing Gonta's ass I swear, even so I have done it two times now- *AHEM* ANYWAYS!! hope you enjoyed this nonsense! peace out!! XD✌))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now