56- ✨🍱Lunch🍱✨ Pregame Gonta x quiet/loner Reader

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(woo have a lazy sketch! XD we need more Pregame Gonta in our life! enjoy!! x33))

' ': Thoughts
" ": Dialogue
( )): Author's message


school is one of the worst places to be at, espacially if you don't have any friends and people judge you for everything you do. nobody takes the time to deal with me or be patient, they think i'm weird since I struggle to speak, so most of the time I'm on my own.

Today was different, as I got some books from the library and was going to my usual place which is under the blossom tree, I accidentally bumped into a wall so hard and it made me fall down with the books scattering around. 'did I really not pay attention??' with that, I looked up to see what did I walk into. surprisingly and fearfully it wasn't a wall, it was the famous delinquent Gonta Gokuhara.

He turned and looked at me with a glare which made me shrink in fear '..he's definitely going to kill me' I thought in fear, I heard that he beat up students with no problem which made me even more scared. I looked down to avoid eye contact as I quickly apoligized while clumsily and shakily reached out trying to pick up my books but couldn't because I was too scared. 'what if he never forget this and comes back later to beat me up?? I don't wanna add more bullies ESPACIALLY HIM!!' I thought as I was holding back tears.

Gonta was watching you struggle in confusion then he sighed, crouched down and picked up your books instead before giving them back to you "here.. be careful next time." he said gently. you blushed in embarrasesement and took your books, awkwardly giving him a small nod.

with that he got up and walked away and you watched him go with sparkles in your eyes '...he's not as bad as people claimed him to be..' you thought.


The next day after the ancident, it was lunch time, you were sitting by the tree alone like always slowly eating your bento while recalling what happened yesterday. you heard footsteps approaching which made you snap out of your thoughts and look towards the noise.

you yelped in surprise as you saw Gonta was right infront of you, he was glaring at you(unintentionally- that's litteraly he's face-)) and you got scared because you thought he was still mad. you tried to leave and apologize again for getting in his way but before you could do that, he pointed next to you and said "..can Gonta join you?"

'..huh? d-did I hear correctly??' you looked at him dumbfoundedly but quickly recovered to not keep him waiting or make him even more mad (which he's wasn't in the first place)) you tried to speak but it came out a bunch of quiet stutters which made you blush a lot, so you used your head instead and slowly nodded again.

He hummed a bit and sat next to you, getting his bento and..

~..you both silently ate lunch together..~

(AWWOJEPEZOJGF THAT WAS SO CUTE!! pregame Gonta is just a ✨💖cutie madboi💖✨ I hope you enjoyed and see ya next chapter! goodbye!! X33👋))

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(AWWOJEPEZOJGF THAT WAS SO CUTE!! pregame Gonta is just a ✨💖cutie madboi💖✨ I hope you enjoyed and see ya next chapter! goodbye!! X33👋))

💖✨Gonta x Reader one shots (also a Gonta art book)✨💖Where stories live. Discover now