Ch.200 Captain Swan Halloween

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**I did not know Wattpad had limited chapters for a book. This is a continuation of Happy Beginning Captain Swan from the first book!!***

It was Sunday, October 31st. Emma and Killian's house was fully decorated for Halloween, with spider webs, spiders, ghosts, and the family jack o lanterns on the steps for Halloween "Mommy!! Dada!!" Emma and Killian rushed to Hope's room seeing her screaming in her sleep. Emma goes to her daughter, "Hope..Hope..."
Killian sat next to Hope. "Little Love, you are having a nightmare."
"Wake up, sweetie." Hope wakes up in her mommy's arms. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are here."
"Yes,we are little love. We are right, here."
Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "Scawy dweam. I was lost, in the dark, not you or Mommy dere. I was lost. I do not like being lost." She began crying.
Emma hugs her daughter. "It was a bad dream, Hope. You are not lost. You are home with me and Daddy. You are not lost,sweetie. You are home with us." She rubs Hope's back, she hates seeing her baby upset. "You are at home with us, little love. The dream is gone."
"Do you want to sleep with me and Dada?"
"Yes, Mommy."
"You can sleep with us, little duckling." Emma carried her daughter back to their room.
"Little love you, can sleep in between Mommy and Daddy."
Emma woke up early to do some work at the sheriff's station before the Halloween festivities begin. She dresses Leia in her pumpkin onesie My 1st Halloween. "Leia, today is Halloween where children wear costumes and get candy." She gripped her Mommy's finger. "You are going to be in a cute ladybug costume today." She tickles her daughter and puts her down for her morning nap and goes to the sheriff's station.
Mulan was there. "Hi, Emma. It is good to have you back."
"I do miss work. Killian is home with the girls.I just wanted to make sure all of the safety protocols for Halloween are in order." When Lily and Red arrived, the meeting began. Emma was talking to her squad about safety protocols, patrols in case teenagers tee-pee houses, and make sure children are safe while trick or treating which will be mostly in the afternoon since the holiday is on the weekend this year. After Emma gives her assignments to her squad, she sips her cinnamon hot cocoa in her office working on paperwork.
Mulan enters the room, "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Mulan. Come in."
"Are you going to go trick or treating with the girls?"
"Yes, I am. Killian is excited because Hope is going to be dressed up as Tinkerbell so he will wear his leather. Last year, Killian had heart problems, and missed trick or treating last year. Henry took Hope."
"I remember that."
"The year before, I got knocked out and got kidnapped by a man. Killian found me. The man who kidnapped me into the woods is now in prison."
"I remember helping Killian to find you. Oliver is still in prison."
"He wanted my revenge on me for helping Annie with his daughter."
"He is an awful man. I remember kicking his butt too." Emma smiles. "I know with your help, Annie can be a single Mom."
"I was in a similar situation. Even my dad gave Annie their former loft to live in. I could not keep Henry, but happy to help her."
"Halloween is not your best holiday."
"Yeah, not but I think this Halloween will be better."
"You have two daughters to go trick or treating with."
"Yes. How are you doing?" Mulan smiles. "What is it?"
"I kind of told Aurora how I feel to her."
"You did? What did she say? Judging from your smile, it seems good."
"She told me that she feels for me too." Emma smiles, having a feeling Mulan really cared, love. Aurora during her trip in the Enchanted Forest. "But she cannot leave Phillip."
"What are you going to do?"
"We are secretly seeing each other. Until she can tell Phillip how she feels. She told me she is not happily married to Phillip."
"She is happy with you. Just be careful, let's just say my parents were sneaking around during the dark curse. It didn't turn out well. Until I broke the curse giving Henry true love kiss and giving everyone their memories back. Jus takes sure she tells Phillip the truth."
"I will tell Aurora, to tell Prince Phillip the truth." Emma is happy that Mulan will listen to her advice.
Back at home, Hope wakes up next to her Daddy in her parents' bed. "Dada!! Halloween!! She jumps on the bed.
Killian chuckles. "Someone is very excited for Halloween."
"Dada!" She hugs her Daddy.
"Good morning, little love." He does not see his swan who went to work. "Hope, how about I make us pumpkin-shaped pancakes for Halloween?"
"Yes, pumpkin pancakes, Dada!" Killian held Hope on his hip and took her downstairs to the kitchen. He makes pumpkin-shaped pancakes for himself and Hope to eat. He hears Leia on the baby monitor. "Leia is awake." He turns off the pan and goes to Leia's room.
Hope goes ahead and climbed into the crib."Baby sis!! Hi!"
"Good morning, Leia." Killian scooped Leia into his arms. "You need a diaper change." He changes Leia's diaper.
"Leia is going to join us in the kitchen, little love."
"Where is Mommy?"
"Mommy is being sheriff. She is going trick or treating with us."
They go downstairs to the kitchen and have breakfast. "Costume,dada."
"Aye, let's get your costume on."
"Leia too?"
"Yes." They go upstairs, he helps Hope change into her costume, the tights, dress, and wings.
"Dada hair."
Killian does not know how to do Hope's hair, only his swan knows. "Mommy can do your hair, little love." He takes a photo of Hope in her Tinkerbell costume on his iPhone.
"Okay. Leia costume." She looks at her baby sister who was lying on her sister's bed and cooing. "I am Tinkerbell for Halloween." Killian returns with Leia's costume and dresses her in the costume, Leia was crying.
"Leia, Dada is almost done changing you into your costume." He finishes changing her not putting the hood on.
"Baby sis, you are a ladybug!" Leia stops crying. Hope holds Leia.
Killian takes his iPhone out. "Say, cheese, little loves."
"Cheese!" Killian smiles,he takes the photo of his two lasses and texts the photo to his swan. He puts onHouse of Mouse, Halloween at House of Mouse. Hope watched the show as Killian bottle feeds Leia on the couch. He burps Leia and laid her on his chest. Hope joined them on the couch for snuggles. "Dada."
"I have my two little loves with me." He kisses them on their heads. "The best two little pirate-princesses in all the realms." He kisses Hope and Leia on their cheeks again, Hope was laughing. "Dada kisses tickle, baby sis."
Emma was finishing up paperwork when she heard her iPhone ring, it was Henry. She swipes and sees her son. "Hi,kid."
"Hi, Mom. How is being back at work?"
"I am only working today to make sure my squad has their jobs for Halloween. Killian is home with your sisters."
"His first time home with Leia and Hope?"
"I have a feeling they are causing mischief."
Emma laughs. "What are you doing today?"
"Ava and I went to a Halloween party in a nearby fraternity house."
"They have a fraternity house at your new college?"
"A friend's fraternity house. It was an invitation-only."
"How was the fraternity house?"
"Crowded, very loud, and lots of beer. We stayed for a little while. We went to a German restaurant in our costumes."
"What were your costumes?"
"She loves Twilight movies and the books so we were Edward and Bella Swan."
Emma laughs. "You were Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, Twilight."
"Yes, we were." He texts her the pictures.
Emma smiles seeing her son and his girlfriend as vampires. "You two look awesome!"
"You two look so happy."
"Ava makes me happy. I am just hoping we are true love."
"Time will only tell but I have a feeling you two are going to be together for a long time." Henry smiles, his Mom thinks he and Ava are true love.
Mulan sees Killian pushing the stroller and Hope walking at his side when they enter. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Mulan."
"Are they being a handful?"
Killian smiles."A little. Hope wants her hair done. I cannot do Hope's hair. Leia is also stubborn, she is not letting me bottle feed her milk."
"Where is Mommy?"
"In her office, little love." Leia begins crying."We are with Mommy, littlest love."
Emma sees her family. "Killian, they are giving you trouble without me at home?"
"Swan, why would you think that?"
"Because it is your first time home alone with them. Since I am back at work for the morning."
Hope goes to her Mommy. "Mommy." Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Leia not letting Dada feed her. I need my hair like Tink's."
Emma smiles. "I can do your hair like Tink after I feed Leia."
"Okay! Dada cannot do hair."
Emma and Mulan both laugh. "I will do your hair, sweetie." Killian carried Leia to Emma. She sets Hope down and takes her youngest duckling from her husband. "Hi, Leia. I know you are hungry. Mommy will feed you." She takes Leia to her office. "This is where Mommy's office is. You get to be my little deputy." Luckily, Emma was wearing a nursing tank underneath her light long sleeve. She sat down and Leia latched on right away. "Leia, you are with Mommy. Did you miss Mommy, is that why you wanted to breastfeed?" She kisses her daughter on the head. "I am happy that you are here, Leia." Killian sees his two loves bonding and takes a photo on his iPhone. She sees her husband looking in. "Did Leia need me to feed her or did you three miss me at home?"
"Aye, I think we all did. Hope wanted her hair done like Tink's to go with her costume and Leia was trying to eat from me, not from the bottle." He wrapped his arm around his two loves. "I also miss you, love. Just like our daughters."
"You are my very sweet captain, Killian. Luckily, my maternity relief ends at the end of November."
"You mean after our vacation to New York and Thanksgiving."
"Yes." She switches Leia to her other breast. "Leia is so cute in her ladybug costume."
"Aye, after Hope was dressed in her costume, she insisted I put Leia costume on her."
Emma chuckles. "She just wants her sister to be involved in the holiday. Like Henry wanted hope to be involved during the holidays when she was this small." She rubs Leia's head. "I still cannot believe that we are parents to another baby girl."
"Aye, we are parents of two little lasses who take after their Mommy." Emma smiles.
Mulan kneels to Hope. "I like your Tinkerbell costume."
"Thank you, Mulan. Tink flies."
"She flies with her wings?"
"Yes, wings and pixie dust, light magic." Hope shows her wings and spun around.
Mulan smiles. "I like your wings."
"It came with costume. Dada and Mommy know Tink."
"I met Tinkerbell when I helped your Daddy and Mommy rescue you and Henry in Neverland."
"Neverland is bad wealm, bad Pan, bad lost boys, not safe pwace. Dangerous."
"It is a very dangerous place, but I was with your Mommy and Daddy. I was making sure Mommy did not get hurt."
"Yes, because Mommy had Leia in her tummy. Dada and Mommy did not want Leia get hurt in Neverland. Like Henwy protected me dere."
"Yes, you are a very smart three-year-old,Hope."
"I know." Mulan tickles Hope making her laugh.
Emma sees Mulan and Hope talking. "Hope, I can do your hair now."
"Yay! Mulan, you will see my hair."
"Yes,I will see your hair when your Mommy fixes it." Hope smiles.
Emma takes Hope into her office and sat on the chair. She combs Hope's hair. Killian was holding sleeping Leia in his arms. "Dada need learn how to do hair."
Emma laughs. "He does need to learn. I can only do your hair like braids and Tink's hair."
"Yes! Dada needs learn ponytails."
"Did you hear that Killian?"
"Aye, swan and little pirate."
Emma fixes Hope's hair into a ponytail and made her into a bun. She pinned Hope's hair to make sure it does not fail out and put hairspray. She also puts glitter on Hope's cheeks. She shows hope with a mirror of her Tinkerbell hair and glitter face. There you go, now you look like Tink."
"I do! Thank you, Mommy."
She hugs her daughter."You are welcome, Hope."
"Dada I am Tink!"
"You look a lot like Tink, little love." He takes a few photos of Hope in her Tinkerbell costume and with Leia in her ladybug costume, Emma holding her.
Hope goes to Mulan. "Mulan! I am Tink!"
"Swan, you did a good job."
"Thank you."Leia fusses.
Emma scooped Leia into her arms. "Hi, Leia. I will comb your hair too." She combs Leia's hair. "Your hair is so pretty little ladybug." She kisses Leia on the head. Leia smiles. She smiled big seeing her daughter's first smile. "I love your smile, baby girl!"
Killian smiles seeing Leia's first smile, he takes a photo right away on his iPhone. "Someone is happy to be with her Mommy with her big smile. No wonder why you were crying nonstop so I can bring you to your Mommy."
Emma smiles her daughter is having a milestone in her office and with her. "You just wanted to smile for the first time with Mommy." She kisses Leia on the head, which Leia gripped her Mommy's face. Killian took a photo of his wife kissing Leia on the head. "I love you, Leia." She looks up at her husband. "She just wanted to smile today." Leia held her finger.
Killian hugs his two loves."Aye, just to her Mommy. But I still saw it."
"I am not missing her milestone."
"You are here for her milestone." They kiss.
"Let's go find our little Tink." Killian takes Leia. She finds Hope talking to Mulan. "Where is my little Tinkerbell?!"
"Here I am!" Hope hugs her Mommy's legs.
"My little Tinkerbell." Emma holds Hope on her hip.
"Emma, Hope told me all about how you did her hair and the glitter to make her look like Tinkerbell. You did a great job."
"Thank you, Mulan. I got as creative as possible with the glitter. I love doing Hope's hair."
"Mommy does hair the best."
"She certainly does."
Emma and Killian took their daughters trick or treating, most of the town's children were walking around in costumes going to houses and stores in town. Killian goes with Hope to doors, "Trick or treat." Hope was clinging to her Daddy.
"Little love, we are having fun."
"Yes, stay wif you and Mommy."
"We are staying together, little love."
"You are going to get candy with me, daddy, and Leia, sweetie."
Ariel and Melody dressed up in a pink dragon costume."Hope!!"
"Hi, Mel-Mel!!"
"Your best friend is here, little love, to trick or treat with us." He sets Hope down and she hugs her best friend.
"Hi, Emma, Hi, Killian. I love Hope and Leia's costumes."
"Thank you. I love Melody's costume."
"She has been reading about dragons in preschool. She asked Carlotta to make her a dragon costume."
Hope laughs. "You are dwagon."
"Yes, I am! Roar!"
"Little Tink and little dragon, we go to get more candy!"
"Candy!!" Hope and Melody ran.
"I will catch up to them."
Emma takes Leia and laughs seeing Killian with the girls. "Leia, your Daddy is having fun trick or treating with your sister and Melody." Leia coos. They continue to walk.
"Emma, Leia is getting so big."
"She will be 2 months old on Saturday." Leia gripped her Mommy's hair.
Killian follows Hope and Melody. "This house is next to get candy, little loves."
Hope rings the bell an old lady answered. "Twick or tweat!!"
"Oh my!! What a cute dragon and fairy."
"I am Tinkerbell!" Killian chuckles, Hope was telling the lady who she was dressed up as.
The old lady dropped candy into their pillowcases. "Hope, what do you say?"
"Thank you!"
"Thank you,lady."
"You two are very welcome." They went down the steps. Hope went to her Mommy. "Mommy got candy!"
'You did!" Hope opens her pillowcase. "Nice stash of candy."
"More candy?"
"Yes, we need to go to more houses to get more candy."
Hope held her Mommy's hand as they walked around town to get more candy. "Leia, can get candy."
"She cannot eat candy, sweetie. She has no teeth. She only eats Mommy's milk. She can only wear her costume for this Halloween."
"Em-em, Leia is a ladybug."
"Yes, she is a ladybug." They see Belle and Gideon in a superman costume.
"Eeon!" Hope hugs her friend.
"I am Superman."
"Comic hero, like in Henwy's comic books."
"Hi, Emma. How is Leia?"
"She is good. Gideon, I like your Superman costume."
"Thank you, Emma."
They went trick or treating. Leia began crying. "Leia, what is the matter?" She felt Leia's diaper. "You need a diaper change. That is all."
"Swan, we are near granny's."
"Good, Leia needs a change."
"Potty, Mommy."
"Aye, we all need a bathroom break." They went to Granny's. From Leia's crying, Granny knew Leia needed to be changed. "Emma, the bathrooms are both available."
"Thank you, Granny." Emma changes Leia on the bathroom floor with a changing mat while Hope was on the potty. Emma changes Leia's diaper. "Eww!"
"Hope, you did a lot of poop too when you were her age."
Emma chuckles as she puts Leia's costume on and cleans up Hope. They return outside the diner, see Allison and Lizzie dressed up as Mary Poppins with Killian, Ariel, Melody, Belle, and Gideon. "Lizzie you are Mary Poppins!"
"I am, Auntie Emma! Mommy did my hair."
"Allison, you are getting better with hair."
"I learned from the best."
"Hope! I love your Tinkerbell costume and your hair."
"Mommy did my hair."
"You look a lot like Tinkerbell! Can you fly?"
"No, I am not the real Tink."
"You are little Tink."
"Yes!" She tickles Hope, making her laugh.
Leia fusses. "Hi, baby niece." She holds Leia. "You are such a cute ladybug."
"Auntie Emma, where is your costume?"
"I am sheriff."
"That is your job, not a costume."
"Being a Mom and sheriff has been keeping me busy." They continue trick or treating.
Allison was holding Leia and talking to Emma with Killian's arm wrapped around her. Belle and Ariel were talking. Lizzie was guiding Hope, Gideon, and Melody to the houses. "Twick or Tweat!"
"That is what we say, little love."
"More candy."
"Not too much, Mel."
"Momma! Candy good." Ariel sighs.
"Ariel, not all candy is going to be eaten because some have open tears."
"I just do not want her to be hyper on sugar."
"Aye, they will not eat it all in one day. Only in portions."
"If it helps, parents eat candy too. I love candy, not Killian."
"I do not like sweets as much as you do, swan."
Lizzie goes to Ariel. "Ariel, do you want to join us?"
"Yes! I have never done Halloween before!" Ariel follows Lizzie to the house.
Killian and Emma smile. He looks at Leia fast asleep in Allison's arms. "I have a feeling Leia is going to take after her mommy who loves sweets."
"She is not thinking about candy now, she is sleeping in her Auntie's arms." Allison kisses Leia on the head. Leia smiles. "Emma!"
"Leia, you are so happy today, you are a smiley baby girl." She smiles big at her daughter. "You just saw Leia's second smile."
Leia looks at her Mommy. "You are happy to be with your god mommy." Leia coos. "Mommy is next to you and Auntie."
"Em, if you need a babysitter, for you and Killian need a kid-free night out."
"I will let you know. I will take you on that offer." Emma and Ariel took photos of their daughters' together and with Lizzie. They walked around town, Hope, Lizzie and Melody were getting candy. Melody sees a green light. "Hope, magic."
"Dada!!" Killian goes to the toddlers. "Light magic." The magic beam gets bigger, Emma hurries to Hope and Killian preparing to see what the magic was good or dangerous. Tink pops out wearing her green dress. "Hi, Killian. Hi, Emma."
"Tink!" Leia fusses. Emma gets Leia from her best friend.
"Tink!! Yay!"
Tinkerbell sees Hope dressed up as her. "Hope, you have a similar dress I am wearing!"
"I am you for Halloween!! Mommy did my hair and got me my dress."
"What is Halloween?"
"Aye, it is a holiday here where children wear costumes and go to houses and they get candy."
"That sounds like fun."
"It is fun. Me, Mel-Mel..."
"Hi, Mel-Mel."
"Melody is my daughter."
"Hi, Tink."
"I remember you from Neverland. Melody is your little girl."
"Yes, now she and Hope are ocean princess best friends."
Killian takes a photo of Hope with Tinkerbell on his iPhone. "You two are matching."
"Yes, we are Hook."
"Tink, Dada name is Killian."
Leia began crying."Killian, someone wants her Daddy."
Killian turns around and takes Leia from his swan. "Littlest pirate." Leia continues to cry. "You are with Dada...Dada...shh...shh..."
"Baby sis, don't cwy."
"Killian, I got her." Emma takes Leia back. " are with Mommy." Leia stops crying. "You just want Mommy today."
Tink sees Leia. "Killian, this is your daughter?"
"Aye, this is Leia. The littlest pirate of our crew."
"Baby sis!" Killian holds Hope on his hip. Hope reaches out to her sister. Killian gets closer to his two loves so Hope can hold Leia's hand.
"Hi, Leia. You look like your daddy. She has your eyes Emma but Killian's hair."
"Yes,she does."
Lizzie was in awe. "You are Tinkerbell? The one who flew with Peter Pan?"
"I never flew with Pan.Yes, I am Tinkerbell."
"Wow, the real Tinkerbell. Mommy, Auntie Emma, and Uncle Killy know Tinkerbell."
"Killian is Captain Hook."
"You are Emma's twin?" Allison and Emma laugh.
"Tink this is my best friend Allison. Allison, this is Tinkerbell, she helped us rescue Henry the first time and last time with Hope."
"Lizzie, Pan in real life is the little green devil. Not like the movie."
"Yea, Dada is a good piwate. Pan is bad."
"Tink, would you like to join us trick or treating?"
"I would love too, Hook."
"Tink, join us, twick or tweat."
Tinkerbell smiles at Hope. "You can teach me, Hope." Hope smiles. They continue trick or treating. Ariel helped Melody with her candy. Killian was taking a video of Hope teaching Tinkerbell trick or treating. Emma was smiling. "Killian, who knew Tinkerbell will be trick or treating with our daughter?"
"Aye, Tink and I have come a long way." Leia fusses. He scooped Leia into his arms. "Leia." He kisses her on the head.
"Who knew the pirate who helped me in Neverland will be an amazing Daddy."
"I love being a Daddy." He kisses her on the head. "You changed me for the better Emma." They kiss.
As evening came, Belle and Ariel took their children home. Hope was getting tired. Leia was wailing. "Swan, it is time to go home."
"Yes. These girls are very tired. We are going home, Leia."
Killian takes Leia from Emma. She held Hope on her hip. "Hope, we are going to go home. We are going to have dinner. I made sugar cookies for dessert."
"Not home yet."
"Mommy, I am not tired to finish yet."
"Lizzie, we can still trick or treat. Hope, I will see you and Leia soon, little nieces." She kisses Hope and Leia on their heads. "Emma, we need a girls' day."
"Yes, we will soon." Allison and Lizzie continue trick or treating.
"Mommy, don't want to go home yet."
Tinkerbell faces Hope. "How about I take you home by flying?"
"Yes!! Dada, Mommy can I?"
"Aye, yes you can."
"Our house is next 710 Storybrooke Lane."
"Yay, flying with Tink." Tink opened her wings and takes Hope up into the air. "Whee!!" Hope was seeing her home up in the air. "Fly Tink!"
"Yes, we are flying Hope!"
Emma and Killian smiled seeing their daughter happy. They return home first, "Killian, I am going to set Leia down. She is overtired."
"Aye, love. I will wait for Hope."
Emma takes Leia inside. She takes her up to her nursery and takes off her costume. Leia stopped crying. "You do not like your costume, sweetie." She kisses her on the head. 'You can just were your onesie." Leia gripped her Mommy's face. "Leia...rainbow." She kisses her daughter on the head and laid her on her chest. Leia coos. She hears Killian and Hope. 'Your Dada and big sister is back." She goes downstairs to see her family with Tinkerbell. "Mommy give Tink a tour."
Emma smiles. "You can give Tink a tour."
"Tink, my woom." Hope guides Tinkerbell upstairs. Leia began crying.
"Leia, you are hungry, sweetie?"
"Swan, I will heat her up a bottle." Killian goes to the kitchen. Emma sat on the couch with her daughter. Killian gives Emma the bottle. She bottle feeds Leia. "Thank you, Killian."
"You are welcome,swan." He sits next to his swan and wraps his arm around his two loves. "Our littlest love is very happy."
"Yes, our little duckling is happy to be out of her costume and be wither Mommy." She kisses Leia on the head.
"She is happy to be with her Mommy." they hear Hope laughing.
"Hope is having fun with Tink."
"Swan, I am going to cook dinner."
"Great, I am starving." Killian cooks steak, mashed potatoes, and spinach. LUckily he prepped to cook before leaving the house.
Emma carried sleeping Leia in her arms smelling the good food. "Your cooking smells delicious."
"Aye, do you want o try the mash potatoes." he spoon-fed her.
"Mmm. It takes so good. You are the best chef."
"Aye, I know." They kiss. He goes upstairs, finding Hope showing Tink her bedroom, her toys, bed and dress-up clothes.
"Dada!" He scooped Hope into his arms. "Little love, are you giving Tink a tour bedroom?"
"Yes, my toys, bed and pwincess dwesses."
"Killian, she also showed me Henry's room and Leia's room."
"Dada candy."
"We got to make sure your candy is safe for you to eat, remember you cannot have nuts."
"Yes, Dada. Can Tink stay for dinner?"
Tinkerbell and Killian smile at Hope. "Tink, you are welcome to join us for dinner."
"I can stay."
"We are having steak mashed potatoes and spinach."
"You can cook?"
"Yes, I can."
"Dada is good cook, Tink."
"I am going to try his cooking tonight." They went downstairs to the kitchen. Emma had Leia set in her moving chair and the table was set up.
As they ate, Tink gave Killian and Emma updates on Neverland. "Killian, this is really good."
"Thank you."
"He is the chef in the house. I do not cook." Leia woke up crying in her swing.
"Swan, I got Leia." Killian holds Leia who continues to cry. "I am going to take her upstairs." He takes Leia upstairs.
Tinkerbell helps Emma clean up the kitchen."I never knew he can cook."
"He surprised me by his cooking skills when we got married."
"When he told me that he had feelings for you before Pan was officially defeated. I knew you two had feelings for each other. You thought we were..."
"Yea, because Killan said so."
Tinkerbell laughs. "I knew you were the one for him. Seeing how much you have, a home, and a family, and someone he truly loves. He has come a long way from being a vengeful pirate."
"Yes, I did not trust at him at first because Neal betrayed my trust. He farmed me for his crime and I had Henry in prison because of him. He broke my heart and my wall up. Killian knew I was a lost girl and not able to trust anybody. He gained my trust. He is my best friend and the person I tell everything to. He is there for me whenever I need him. He loves being a father and an amazing husband. I never knew I was going to be a wife and have Hope or Leia without meeting him in the Enchanted Forest."
Hope returns in her pajamas and carried her Halloween bag. "Mommy, can I have candy now?"
"We have to see if there are bad ones, sweetie."
"Hope, I have to go home."
"No!" Hope hugs Tinkerbell.
"I have to go home, little Tink. I will visit you again soon."
"You will!"
"Yes, I will!" Hope smiles. Tinkerbell finds Killian with Leia in her nursery talking to her.
"LIttle pirate, I know you had fun today, seeing everyone in costumes and seeing candy. You only eat milk which is very healthy. Milk helps you grow big and strong." Leia coos.
"Killian, I have to go back to Neverland."
"Aye, you just came for a visit?"
"Yes. Also to meet this little cutie." He gives Lei for her to hold. "Bye, little Leia. You are a little pirate just like your Daddy. You are lucky. You have two parents who love you so much and spoil you with love, care, and two amazing siblings, Henry and Hope. I will come visit soon." She looks up at Killian. "You did change for the better. Emma really has changed you as a hero. You are an amazing Daddy."
"Thank you, Tink. Once I met Emma, I knew I was going to be a better man because I wanted her in my life forever." Leia fusses. Killian takes Leia from Tinkerbell. "Leia, say bye-bye to TInk."
"Bye, Leia." She rakes her wand out and magic poofs away.
Killian brings Leia down, Emma was organizing torn candy or nuts ones. "Hope, are you eating candy?"
"Swan, I can help you."
"Thank you." Killian helps Emma by keeping an eye on Hope making sure she does not eat nuts. Emma turns on Peanuts: The Great Pumpkin, special on the television. The family snuggled on the couch and enjoyed the Halloween special. "Happy Halloween, Emma."
"Happy Halloween, Killian." They kiss.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now