Chapter 1

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Standing outside the big ancient looking building, Nevaeh felt her heart beating loudly in her chest. No matter how many times she entered and left the building, her nerves always got the best out of her.

People were glancing at her left and right, she knew why, it was always the same exact reason, her eyes. Her eyes are a shade no one has ever seen before.

Her beautiful violet eyes shut tightly and she took a deep breath. She never knew from whom she got her unique colored eyes from, it could be her mother, father or her grandparents.

But she never knew any of them, seeing as they left her at an orphanage in the middle of the night while it was heavily snowing. Her mind drifted far away, remembering what happened one fateful night.

Shaking her head to get rid of the painful memories, Nevaeh reopened her eyes and started looking all around.

New students from different countries were running around and bumping into other people trying to find their classes, while old students were huddled in their groups talking and laughing with each other.

It was rare to find a loner like her, since it's college a lot of people try to fit in and some did, while some didn't, just like her.

She's just simply too sensitive and fragile, and people don't get that, instead they make fun of her and laugh at her. Just like how high school was.

Being called a 'freak' on a daily day bases, Nevaeh secluded her self even more. No matter how many times she's been called that hurtful word, her soft heart couldn't get used to it.

Staying alone really affected her and didn't at the same time. She likes the peace and quite, but sometimes she wishes to hang out with a friend just like others.

People looked at her and whispered to each other so she just casted her eyes down to look at her run down shoes.

Nevaeh began walking with her schedule in her hand when suddenly everything around her become quite with the occasional whispering.

She heard car doors opening and then slamming shut. 'Someone important must be here!' She thought to herself.

She looked at a group of girls and saw them blushing and fixing their shirts and skirts. Nevaeh looked at them with confusion.

With furrowed brows Nevaeh turned around and stopped in her tracks. In-front of her stood the most beautiful men she's ever seen in her life.

Each of them oozed power and authority and they demanded respect with just a look. All of them stood beside each other, they looked like leaders.

Two of them wore grey suits, one wore a navy blue suit, one was wearing a deep red button up shirt with black slacks and the last one was wearing an all black suit.

Everyone could notice the bulging muscles and never ending tattoos. Every step they took looked like it would rip the expensive looking suits.

Each one of them had their own beauty. They looked unbreakable, walking together, their steps were precise and calculated.

Their expressions gave away nothing, they didn't spare anyone a glance, if they didn't look terrifying with their heights and muscles, then they looked scary with their blank looks.

But, 'who are they?' She asked herself. Everyone was staring at them, including her, she just couldn't tear her eyes away from them.

She felt something inside  her stir when she looked at them. Something she's never felt before. But she couldn't tell what she was feeling. 'What is this feeling?'

She must've started too long, because one of the men must've sensed one particular pair of eyes fixated on them.

He turned and immediately his hazel colored eyes made contact with violet ones. He felt his breath hitch when he looked into her eyes.

His hearth sped up, her innocence captivated him, and he was sure the same would with his brothers.

Her doe like eyes stayed on him. The innocence and softness In her eyes stuck with him.

Her brunette her with light highlights cascaded down to her mid back in soft natural waves.

Freckles danced on her nose and cheeks, her light pink lips were slightly parted, but what captivated him was her eyes. Her violet eyes that shone brightly when the sun hit them making them stand out even more.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, he held eye contact with her while still walking beside his brothers. They had yet to notice her but he's sure that they'll soon enough.

She was the first to break eye contact, he watched her as she scurried away inside the building, yet his eyes never left her, he watched her every movements until she was out of his sight.

He glanced around and couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw all the girls gawking at him and his friends.

They entered the building and they could still hear the whispers behind them, even when the doors closed. They made their way to the deans office and entered the office like they owned the place.

The dean himself was scared being in the presence of five tall bulky men yet he stayed composed. Yet 'The Rulers' noticed.

"Ahh gentlemen welcome!" The dean welcomed in an enthusiastic voice.

"Tommy." Theodore King greeted back with a nod of his head.

"Here are the papers that you'll need." Tommy, the dean, said and handed each one of them papers.

The five men nodded silently and left the office, classes were starting soon yet a few students lingered in the hallways.

Despite being mafia leaders each one of them had their own degrees. Each one of them have their ambitions and dreams and they achieved them all.

The hazel eyed man couldn't forget the girl he saw this morning. She just looked so small and delicate, so soft and light, like a flower.

The others could tell that their brother was distracted, yet they didn't know why.

Theodore King stepped in-front of Eliot Alastair, and asked " What's wrong?"

Eliot Alastair looked at the man and said the words that made their hearts stop beating.

"I found her."

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