Chapter 35

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It didn't take long for Nevaeh to sleep, Angel and Hades stayed in the kitchen while Theodore went up the stairs and lied her in Hades bed.

After covering her up he sat down with a quite sigh and just started at her, he knew something was wrong, but he didn't know to what extent.

He held her small soft hand in his big one and gently kissed her fingertips, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze and got up, he left the room, making sure the door was opened a little in case she needed something.

He made his way to the kitchen, seeing Angel and Hades talking on the phone.

After a while both of them hung up and Angel spoke, "The shipments arrived, I'm going to check them out." With that he got up and disappeared up the stairs, both Hades and Theodore could feel and see his irritation, but they didn't say anything.

While Angel left the other two remained silent, not knowing what to say, but it was clear that both were thinking about the same thing.

A while later Angel came down the stairs, his face void of any emotion as he clicked his watch in place, his all black suit blending well with the darkness of the kitchen, and more well outside.

He picked up his phone from the counter and said, "Call me if anything happens." And with one last nod he left, grabbing his car keys on the way.

It was clear that he so badly wanted to stay, but he had to leave, he knew that his sweet girl was in good hands if anything were to happen, he was feeling irritated, he wanted to stay, make sure that she's okay and be the support that she needs, hopefully it doesn't take too long.

He parked once he reached one of his warehouse and got out, with a sigh he started walking, let's get this over with.

Back at the mansion the front door opened and then closed shortly after, the sound of footsteps echoed in the deadly silent house, Hades and Theodore knew who was here so they weren't alarmed.

Eliot and Jonathan entered the kitchen, only to find them sitting on the stools lost in their thoughts, which was kind of unusual.

Just because they were thinking doesn't mean they didn't realize both men have entered the kitchen, Theodore moved his blank gaze to look at them, only to feel anger begin to rise in him.

"How many times have I told you to come home without a single drop of blood on you?" He seethed.

"Shit, I forgot." Eliot sighed and headed towards the sink, washing his veiny forearms.

"You have to fucking remember that we're not the only ones here anymore, you don't want her to see you drenched in someone else's blood, do you?" He questioned, knowing that he hit the right spot for them, and especially Eliot to listen.

Eliot paused, knowing that Theodore was right, he doesn't want his innocent girl to see him cowered in blood, it'll freak her out, make her think and assume things which he doesn't want to think about.

"You're right." He spoke, his voice sounding in the silent kitchen.

"Damn right I am."

"What's wrong?" Jonathan spoke for the first time since he entered, he could feel the tension and worry, which is why he asked straight forwardly.

"Nevaeh had a nightmare, really freaked her out." Hades said with a sigh, his heart clenching as he remembered the fear and panic in her gorgeous eyes.

"Did you know what it was about?" Jonathan asked as he made his way to sit on the stool while Eliot got four glasses out of the cabinet, then moved to another cabinet to grab the whiskey bottle, moving silently the entire time.

"No, she wouldn't even speak, she was alarmed, looking everywhere and anywhere, almost like something or someone is going to pop out of no where at any moment." Headed continued, rubbing his face with hand, obviously distressed.

Theodore sat there, staring at the wall blankly, the others could tell that he was thinking, and maybe he could come up with a good reason as to why something like this happened.

"What do you think?" Jonathan asked he took the two glasses of whiskey that Eliot handed him, he slid one over to Theodore while taking a sip out of his own drink.

"Something big, that's what happened, something happened to her, and it's not leaving her alone." He spoke, his voice monotone.

"What do we do?" Eliot asked from where he was leaning on the counter, a glass in his hand.

"Act normal, like nothing happened." Theodore spoke, his voice telling that it's the end of the discussion.

The others nodded, knowing that he's right, they don't want her to feel or think that they'll treat her differently because of something like this, things will stay as they are, normal.

"How did it go?" Hades changed the subject, the Don in him revealing its self.

"Good, we got them to agree and we're meeting on Friday to finalize everything." Eliot replied, finishing the last of his drink.

"Make sure everything goes well these couple of days and finish everything important you have, we have to go to the Christmas party." Theodore reminded them, sighing as he got up and headed to his office to finish some paperwork.

They went their separate ways, each one of them going to their offices, with only one thing on their minds,


Hey everyone! I know it's been a long time and I apologize for that

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Hey everyone! I know it's been a long time and I apologize for that. I'm just not in a good place mentally and updates are taking a long time, I wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes, it truly made my day and I appreciate every singly one of you, truly from the bottom of my heart. Hopefully I'll start updating more often. Please be patient and thank you for supporting me.


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