Chapter 39

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It didn't take the other men long to reach the heavily secured warehouse, hundreds of men were stationed  at every corner of the building. No doubt that very important people were here.

They parked and got out, immediately getting recognized by the guards, knowing who they were, the guards opened the entrance doors for them, with a nod of their heads as a thanks they walked inside, their calculating gaze watching every single corner of the building.

They were approached by a guard, who politely asked them to follow him, after a short walk they reached a closed metal door, the guard knocked, and after hearing a cold voice answer him he opened the door for the men then closing it behind them.

They walked inside, recognizing the powerful people sitting, who stood up when they saw them enter, they shook hands then got down straight to business.

"You already know why we're here today." The middle aged man said, his voice calm yet deadly.

The men nodded their heads, making the man continue talking.

"The shipment that was stolen, if we don't get it back, it'd be a huge loss for us, but we have something in common." He spoke, his jaw tightening.

"A rat." All the men in the room answered at the same time, clear anger on their faces.

The atmosphere was uneasy, each one of them lost in their own thoughts as they thought who this rat could be.

They had their suspicions but they just needed the right amount of evidence to take the next move.

"We have a few suspects, we just need to be sure." The eldest son said, his blue eyes dark, pictures of different men were laid out in front of them, in the middle of the table so everyone could see.

He explained every single detail, his brothers continuing, while the men made comments about the men in pictures, until they decided on the two most suspicious ones.

"It could be one of them, or both." The middle aged man spoke, his purple eyes darkening.

It was only then did the men notice his eyes, they looked similarly to Nevaeh's, could it be?

That thought immediately flew out of their heads, it's probably a coincidence,


Their aren't a lot of people with purple eyes, but their are a few, and he could be one of them.

Just then Theodore's phone lit up, the wallpaper of Nevaeh holding a duck and kissing it appearing, their eyes immediately went to the lit up phone that was sitting on a table, the eldest man and his younger sons staring at it with unreadable masks, but the oldest.

He was staring at it with deep concentration, his eyes narrowed as he looked between the screen and him, their was something in his eyes that couldn't be read clearly.

The screen went black, then lit up again with another message, Theodore kept watching his face, then the others, they kept glancing at each other, worry and uncertainty visible on their faces.

His eyes darted to their father, noticing his calm yet tense posture, then making eye contact with him.

He was already looking at him, his face matching a robots, unblinking, his fists clenching and unclenching tightly, staring at the phone like it held the most important secrets, he was looking at it like he wanted to kill it, strangle it.

"Is that all?" Eliot asked, breaking the tension in the silent room, it was only them and the other men, Angel will be notified of this meeting so he wouldn't miss anything. They noticed their weird looks, something was up, but what is it?

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