Chapter 52

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Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared up at the ceiling. She recalled that memory, it was her first time hurting herself, and she was only 12 years old.

She breathed out a shaky breath, feeling Theo's lips on those scars, she cried more when she felt him kiss them gently while running his thumbs over them.

A hand cupped her cheek, she leaned into it, looking at Angel who was crouching down beside her, wiping her tears with the pads of her thumbs.

He leaned down and kissed her tears away, letting his lips linger on her forehead. He knew, they all knew what these scars were and what they meant.

Her eyes closed, hearing Theodore whisper softly, his lips lingering on her inner thigh, "Beautiful, so beautiful." He kissed her scars one more time before kissing her clothed pussy.

He hooked his thumbs on the underwear band and pulled them down swiftly, throwing them on the floor.

She was soaked, her arousal slightly leaking down. Without hesitation he liked her pussy from the bottom to the top, he sucked on her nub, slightly biting it.

Her eyes squeezed shut, her hands tightened around the silk bedsheets with every lick of his tongue. He ate her out like she was his last meal, devouring her.

Her hand tugged at his soft black hair, pushing his head deeper on her clit. He flicked his tongue, erupting a lid moan from her parted lips.

The feeling in her stomach intensified, she was close, but she didn't want it to stop, she wanted it more, she felt good, amazing even.

She tried holding it, but that trying quickly went out the window when he bit her nub harshly, sending electric shocks all over her body.

She came undone, moaning loudly with her mouth open, her eyes shut tightly. The hand on his hair tightening.

She kept her eyes closed as she breathed deeply, her head still dizzy from the intense orgasm she just had.

She felt Theo shuffle a bit, his body heat engulfing her, his lips smashed against hers roughly, she could taste herself on him.

He leaned over her, taking the condom from Angel's stretched hand and tearing it open, he pulled his boxers off, his cock coming out free, long, hard and ready.

Her eyes widened, he was big which made her nervous, his tip red and glistening with cum. He rolled the rubber on his shaft, looking at her.

He leaned down, capturing her lips in a sweet passionate kiss, "Are you sure?"

She nodded, "Yes."

He inched forward, alinging himself at her wet entrance, slowly, he inserted the tip, gritting his teeth to stop himself from slamming into her tight hole, it was about her, not them.

Nevaeh gasped, feeling a slight pinch, her eyes slightly tearing up. He thrusted in deeper, his eyes dark with lust.

Pleasure started taking over her at this point, no longer wanting him to go slow.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing him closer and making his cock slide in deeper. A loud moan threatened it's way up her throat, but she bit her lip, keeping it there.

He leaned down, thrusting harder into her, he kissed her neck, leaving wet trails of kisses down her throat to her breasts.

"Don't be quite now, I want to hear you." He grunted, going harder with each thrust, but not hard enough, she wanted more.

"More." She spoke, her voice laced with need.

He looked at her, his breathing hard, "You gonna be a good girl and take my cock?" He bit her lip, thrusting in deeper.

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