Chapter 64

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"Well, what does it say?" Eliot asked, irritation lacing his tone.

Lucien stared at the paper in his hands with disbelief and happiness, his eyes teary.

"Dad? You're killing us here." Aiden said, biting his lip anxiously.

"It's a match." He whispered, looking up at his sons, his heart beating rapidly before a wide smile spread over his face.

"She's our Nevaeh! Our princess is alive, she's alive!" He yelled, his tears finally being set free.

Their jaws dropped, not believing what they had just heard.

"What?" Conrad snatched the paper from his dads hands, his eyes widening, so did the brothers.

"Holy shit." Aiden muttered.

"It's her, it's really her." Asher said, his voice hight pitched excitedly.

"Oh my god." Aiden whispered, looking up at the guys who had smiles and relieved faces on their faces, they were happy for Nevaeh, she has a family that loves her, she deserves to be happy, to finally feel safe and cared for, to feel like she belongs,

And she belongs with her family.

"Thank you, truly." Aiden walked over to the guys, looking at them with a dazed smile.

"We didn't do anything, we're just happy that you guys found each other again after all these years, you deserve to feel happy again, to reunite and be a complete family." Angel spoke, a real smile on his face, which quite honestly freaked the guys out, he looked creepy, they weren't used to his real smile, only the satanic one when he took out a prisoners intestines.

They shuddered at the thought, "Well, you were the one who suggested a test and bought samples."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jonathan nodded, his head lifting up in cockiness and a smirk forming on his lips.

Lucien hugged his sons, not believing what he read, it felt so surreal, the waves of shock had worn off, his body buzzed with excitement and happiness.

He felt alive again, something he hadn't felt in so long.

"I think I'm gonna faint." He whispered, putting a hand over his heart.

"Please don't." Conrad said, "Now is not the time."

The others nodded in agreement.

"We need to tell mom and Lucas." Aiden announced, his blue eyes light from giddiness.

"We will." Lucian replied, getting his stuff to leave.

"Most importantly, you need to tell Nevaeh." Jonathan said, his eyes roaming all of them.

"She needs to know, she deserves to be happy after everything she went through." Eliot jumped in, his fists clenching by his sides from anger.

He would avenge her, he started with Joe, still more to go, he had to admit though, watching his body melt in the flames, his screams die down while burning, he's never felt this satisfied.

A confused look morphed on their faces, "What are you talking about?" Conrad asked, his usual soft tone turning icy.

"It's not our story to tell, but what we're saying is that she deserves happiness and closure, she deserves to be with her family again." Angel pipped in, his hands itching to hold her, his body begging to be near her, to feel her soft curves on his hard body, to feel her warmth.

"We'll tell her." Lucian nodded.

"Now let's go, I want to see my daughter."


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