Chapter 32

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Nevaeh woke up with a gasp, she clutched her chest and breathed heavily, her whole body shook horribly as she blinked rapidly to get rid of the blurriness in her eyes.

Her hair stuck on her face and neck as sweat coated her. Her throat was so dry she felt like she ate sand, leaning over to her nightstand she grabbed her water bottle with shaky hands and gulped the contents down hungrily.

She felt relief when the cold liquid ran down her throat. She wiped her mouth after she was done and breathed heavily while lying down again.

She couldn't get the dream out of her head, she kept replaying it over and over, those four boys, and the eldest one was the one she couldn't get out of her head.

She didn't see his full face, only half, but what she saw most clearly were his bright blue eyes which were full of concern and love directed towards her, but why?

That's the thing she couldn't understand, why was he worried about her in the dream when she's never met him? Her head was starting to hurt from the thinking and worrying which is why she decided to get up and have a shower.

A sigh left her when she felt the hot water running down her rigid muscles, she wanted to wash her worries and confusion away, hence why she took a while in the shower.

After she was done she dried herself and quickly put on her clothes and got ready to leave for work.

She put a beanie on her head so she doesn't get sick, her hair is still wet and she doesn't have a hairdryer so a beanie it is.

The cold wind slapped her on the face as soon as she stepped out of the building. She blew air on her hands to warm up and sped walked to the bakery.

As soon as she stepped inside she was pulled into a hug, "Hey cutie!" Abby greeted with a wide smile.

A smile came over Nevaeh's face, "Hi Abby, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good! How about you?" Abby replied as they both walked over to the massive kitchen.

They talked as Nevaeh baked while Cole handled the customers outside. A while later it got crowed and Abby had to go outside with Cole, leaving Nevaeh in the kitchen baking with soft music on.

She baked a lot of stuff, cakes, cupcakes, scones of multiple flavors and croissants. Once everything was cooled down and decorated she called in Abby and Cole to help her put them out on the display window.

After she was done she looked out the window to see that it's dark, time seemed to pass quickly and she didn't even notice, it was late too.

Sighing she reached for her pocket to check her phone, only for her not to feel it.

With furrowed brows she searched her other pockets and yet she still didn't find it. After searching through the kitchen she just came to the conclusion that she forget it at her dorm, she was too tired to care right now.

It was closing time anyway so she cleaned up and cleared everything away before bidding Abby and Cole goodnight.

She wore her coat and headed out the back door. She didn't take five steps out when she felt a hand snake around her stomach and a hand being put over her mouth.

Her eyes widened in alarm and her heart spiked up in fear, she tried shuffling away and kicking the persons legs but she was lifted off the ground.

The man holding her was simply too strong. She tried kicking with more energy till the voice stopped her.

"Shh Nevaeh it's me."

She stilled and calmed down hearing Jonathan's voice, but that didn't last for long because anger blew up inside her.

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