Chapter 7

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Huddled up in her blankets with her laptop on her lap, Nevaeh was studying for her upcoming test, yet her mind kept drifting to how she spoke with Mr King earlier that day.

She honestly didn't mean to snap at him, and considering he's her professor he might even fail her, she can't have that!

She was feeling bad and scared at the same time, she didn't know what to do, should she apologize? Or should she just ignore it and hope that he forgets about it? She honestly didn't know what to think.

But deciding that their are more important stuff, she shook her head and started studying, opening her notebook and checking her notes.

That's how it went for the rest two days, it's already been a week and two days since university started, and it's been hectic to say the least.

Not only that but her working hours have increased, she wanted them too, her check isn't enough for food and everything else, so that's another thing she's stressing about.

But for now, she has to focus for her test tomorrow.


Walking around the chatty students, Nevaeh couldn't help but glance around everywhere and hug herself tighter, the memories from last night still haunting her.

Her eyes were tired and her head was pounding with so much force it felt like she wanted to rip her own head off.

Walking a bit more, she leaned against the wall in an empty hallway, only two or three people were there.

She opened her bag and took out two aspirins, she gulped them down dryly and on an empty stomach, she knew it wasn't right but she didn't have anything to eat, she needs to go grocery shopping, and soon.

She closed her eyes for a second and sighed, when would this end? Her misery, her pain, when?

Tears stung her eyes but now is not the time, she pushed herself off the wall and breathed in deeply a couple times.

She looked at her watch and nodded her head determinately, 'let's ace this test!' She told herself and started walking towards the lecture hall.

She was the first to enter since their's still time for class to start. She took out her notebook and started revising the most important notes.

After she finished she noticed that someone else was with her, how didn't she notice?

Her heartbeat sped up as she looked up and saw who it was.

He sat there looking at her softly with admiration in his eyes. She truly was captivating.

Hopefully she'll like what they have for her.

He didn't notice her making her way towards him, her feet softly walking towards him.

He felt a tap on his bicep, that's when he snapped out of his daze. Out of instinct, he held her hand and tightened his hold.

He didn't notice that it was her.

A pained whimper escaped her lips making him realize that it's their angle. He instantly left her arm and started apologizing.

"Im sorry I didn't see you." He looked at her hand worriedly.

She held her small wrist with her other hand and rubbed the sore spot. Her teary gaze moved towards his concerned one.

She sniffled and said, "N-no it's okay, I-it's my fault anyways."

He gently took hold of her wrist and rubbed the red spot gently, after thinking for a second he bought her wrist closer to mouth and laid a soft kiss on the light bruise.

All while she was looking at him with wide eyes, after finally adjusting that he did that she blushed furiously.

She slowly retracted her hand back and held it close to her chest.

"To make it feel better." He noted with silly grin.

She slowly nodded and then remembered what she actually wanted to say, "I'm sorry." She rushed out.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise and his eyes were filled with confusion.

"What for?" He asked and looked at his watch, still more time left.

"About yesterday, I didn't mean to sound rude, I was just having a bad day." She explained, and he noticed how her stuttering lessened till none, which made him happy, made them happy.

He chuckled and pushed himself off the desk, "It's quite alright, we all go through hard times, noting to be sorry about." He dismissed and gave her a soft smile.

Her shoulders sagged in relief, "Thank you." She smiled gratefully, showing the dimples on her cheeks, making his heart flutter, also his friends when he tells them.

"Meet me in my office after classes are done, theirs something we need to discuss about." He stated seriously, going back to his cold self.

Nevaeh suddenly became careful and aware, "Y-yes sir." She muttered with her eyes down and started making her way to her seat, feeling a pair of eyes drilling on her head.

She took her seat and mentally prayed that she does well. Slowly students started filling up the hall and soon enough, Mr King was distributing the test papers.

Her heart sped up when he came closer to her and slowly put the paper on her table, his eyes lingering on her for a while before moving towards the next seats.

"You start now." He announced and with that everyone began writing and taking the test.

Question after question, answer after answer, Nevaeh was beginning to feel the pain in her hand, she didn't realize how fast she writing or how far she's reached, she's feeling good about this.

Theirs only a couple minutes left and she's writing the last one. Anddddd done!!

With that, she closed her pen and sat it down gently on the table, she revised and skimmed her test, making sure every question is answered and that she missed nothing.

After she was done she put her papers face down and looked ahead of her. She immediately made eye contact with him and felt the same butterfly feeling whenever she looked at any of the men.

There was an emotion in each their eyes, but each time she couldn't understand what they meant.

"Pens down." He said coldly, everyone put their pens down and he started making his way and taking the papers.

The students started to leave, talking and discussing about the test they just did.

Nevaeh, as always, was the last to leave, be was standing there, arranging the papers and aware of her presence.

He turned around as she passed him, she gave him a shy smile and he returned it softly.

With one final look, she left.


I wanted to make it longer, butttt.........

Why do you think they want to meet her in the office? Let me know.

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