Chapter 67

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Nevaeh walked inside the Santiago mansion with a feeling of happiness, her eyes were bright and her smile was big.

"Hi Carly." She greeted as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh hi! How was your day?" Carly went over and hugged her, the hug was tighter than usual, and Nevaeh could feel the excitement radiate off Carly.

"It was good, how was yours?" They took a seat on the stools.

"Oh it was amazing! I just got the best news of my life!" Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Oh really? Care to share?" Nevaeh put a hand under her chin.

"Oh I can't right now, I'm waiting for Lucian and the boys, we're having a family meeting."

"Oh, okay then." Nevaeh nodded, feeling weird all of a sudden, "Well, I hope everything works out."

"I hope so too, it's just-" Carly sighed, her hand going over to hold Nevaeh's.

Nevaeh stayed silent, letting Carly have her moment and letting her take her time.

"I'm just worried it won't go to plan, you know?" She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth worriedly.

"You're just going to have to pray and hope it goes well." Nevaeh squeezed her hand and gave her a smile.

"Yeah." Carly cleared her throat, smiling back.

"I'm going to rest a bit." Nevaeh stood up and grabbed her stuff.

Carly nodded and stayed put, watching Nevaeh as she walked up the stairs.

She went in the room and put her stuff away, then freshened up and changed into more comfortable clothes, she put on the gold set Jade had gotten her, and it would be an understatement to say she liked it, she loved it.

She stared at herself in the mirror, staring at the necklace and touching it softly, she stared at her face, she was glowing, her face was bright, her eyes filled with life, she was happy, content.

She has never felt this great before.

"I'm happy, I'm happy." She mumbled to herself, not believing that she could ever feel some sort of happiness.

She blew out a breath and walked over to the bed, she got under the covers and looked up at the ceiling, she took a nap with a smile on her face.


Eliot had Nevaeh's hand in his as he stared at her with a longing look, his thumb softly stroking her small soft hand.

His hand was rough against hers, his thumb drawing mindless drawings on her hand, his eyes moving from her hair to her eyes, down to her nose and cheeks, her cheeks that were always flushed with color, then down to her rosy lips that were slightly pouted.

His thumb gently wiped across her bottom lip then softly caressed her smooth cheek.

Her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was thinking real hard about something, he rubbed between her eyebrows softly, watching the frown disappear off her face.

His own brows furrowed when he heard the bedroom door close smoothly behind him.

He stayed silent for a complete minute before he whispered, his voice hoarse.

"I've got a bad feeling." His thumb was still stroking her hand.

"How so?" Theo asked.

He knew it was Theo from his non existent footsteps, he always walked like he was a ghost, silently.

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