Chapter 68

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Nevaeh's face dropped, she steeled her spine and clutched her hands tightly, she dug her nails into the palm of her hand.

She looked away from Lucian's face, her eyes filling with tears.

"Why do you ask?" She managed to say.

"I might have answers for you."

She snapped her head towards him, her eyes narrowing, "Did you know them?"

He sighed, "I can't know for sure, that's why I'm asking you."

"So, do you know anything about them?" He asked again.

She stayed silent, staring at him intensely, "This is weird." She whispered.

"I don't know much about them, just that they were crazy rich and didn't want a child, specifically a daughter, that's what the people at the orphanage told me." She shrugged, trying to act like she wasn't bothered.

Lucian sucked in a harsh breath, his fists clenched on his knees.

"Do you remember anything from your childhood?" He tried keeping his voice low.

She did remember a few things.

"Yeah a bit, their was this one time I was stuck on a high tree, and my teddy bear was in my hand." She frowned, trying to remember the rest of what happened.

Lucian, Carly, and Lucas remembered that day as well, Nevaeh and the boys were playing hide and seek and she thought it would be a good idea for her to hide on the tree.

"-And I started calling for someone, I called him santi I think." She clutched her head.

"W-why are you asking me this?"

Lucian stayed silent for a minute, "I know your family."

Nevaeh slumped back, her mouth hanging open.

The office door slammed open, Aiden, Asher, and Conrad piled in.

She didn't even give them a glance, she kept looking at Lucian.

"I-please don't." She wrapped her and around her neck, feeling like she couldn't breath.

"I-I don't want to know why they threw me there!" She spat, her voice angry.

"Please listen to me, they didn't just throw you away, they had too."

"A-are you defending them?" She asked him in disbelief, giving him a look of disgust.

"No! No of course not, I- I don't know how to say this."

"They had too." Carly's shaky voice came from beside her, she was crouching near Nevaeh.

"Oh come on!" She threw her hands in the air in frustration.

"They threw their child away! Do you even know what they did to me? They made my life a living hell!"

"I-I promise you, w-we can explain!" Carly cried, tears streaming down her face.

Nevaeh snapped her head towards her, her eyes narrowed and boiling with anger.

"What the hell do you mean you can explain?!" She dropped her voice to a whisper, grabbing Carly's arm.

Lucian handed her the paper, the dna test.

Nevaeh stared at the paper, her hands shaking terribly as she read the same lines over and over again.

Match, they're a match.
Lucian Santiago is the father.

Nevaeh slowly looked up at him, her wide eyes, similar to his, were blank but full of tears.

"Y-you're my f-father?" Her voice was soft, the word father sounding so foreign to her ears, hell even her tongue.

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