Chapter 27

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Theodore answered the phone with Angel standing beside him, an expressionless look on his face.

"Hello?" Theodore spoke.

"Theodore, how are you doing?" The man on the other end spoke, his cold voice familiar.

While Theodore spoke on the phone the others tried distracting their girl from worrying.

Nevaeh sat up straighter in Hades lap, looking over where Theodore and Angel had just left. "Is everything okay?" She asked, worry clear in her voice.

Eliot leaned and held her hand, gently kissing her fingertips, "Everything's okay love, just some work." He smiled softly.

Nevaeh wasn't convinced tho, but nonetheless nodded. Something is wrong, she just knows it, and her gut is telling her the same.

The men glanced at each other, seemingly communicating between each other silently through their eyes, until suddenly Nevaeh jerked forward and a small moan left her.

Hades kisses were becoming more passionate, more stronger, making her moan louder and close her eyes. He left butterfly kisses from her shoulder and settled on her neck, a certain spot on her neck, her sweet spot.

Jonathan leaned forward and smashed his lips on hers, holding her jaw tightly he kissed her more fiercely, by the gasp that escaped her he knows she likes it.

Eliot had lifted her shirt just above her stomach, leaving feather like kisses. He ran his hands on her curves, all these sensations making her feel wetter by the second, making her clench her stomach in pleasure.

Hades bit her neck, making her eyes clench shut tightly and for a loud moan to leave her parted lips.

Hades moved his head, licking his lips, hunger in his eyes. He wrapped his hand around her throat and whispered hoarsely in her ear, "Eyes on us baby."

Her eyes snapped open as she looked at them, lust clouding her eyes.

Jonathan sucked on the other side of her neck, making her hand clench his hair tightly, a groan leaving his mouth.

Her other arm ran down Hades clothed chest, her mind was fuzzy, she couldn't think, all she wanted was for those feelings to never end, she was feeling so good.

Her moans and gasps were increasing, the men not leaving her heart and body to calm down, the butterflies in her stomach were also increasing. It was hot, too hot. It felt like her body was on fire.

"I think that's enough fun for now." Hades said, leaving one last kiss on her collarbone and moved away, the other two doing the same.

Eliot helped her sit up straight and straightened up her clothes, her face flushed deeply, her eyes still swimming in desire and hunger.

Theodore and Angel entered the room, immediately noticing Nevaeh's deep red colored face, frowning, they looked at their friends.

Seeing their calm and composed composure and the tents in their pants they instantly knew what's been happening when they weren't present.

"Come one love, let's prepare for your test tomorrow." Angel muttered, lifting Nevaeh off Hades lap and into his own arms.

He breathed in her sweet vanilla scent, instantly feeling his tense muscles relax. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

A whine left her as he spoke, reminding her of the test tomorrow. Her head dropped on his shoulder, her shoulders slumping down in dejection.

"I know darling, but their's only tomorrow and then we'll spend as much time together as you want." He whispered, understanding how she's feeling, because he's feeling the same, they're feeling the same.

They moved towards the study room, seeing as it's warmer with the fire place. Angel opened the door with the others following behind, she'll get as much help as she wants.

Theodore had already sat her backpack down on a chair and took a seat, the others doing the same. Angel had sat her down in the middle.

Her stuff had already been prepared and they instantly began. Nevaeh studied and reviewed everything, occasionally asking simple stuff just to make sure, and surely after a couple hours she was done.

Sighing, she closed her heavy textbooks and leaned her head on the table, she's confident that she's going to ace that test.

Suddenly she wrapped her arms around her stomach and groaned in pain. The men were immediately alarmed, all standing to their feet with worried looks on their faces.

"Amore, what's wrong?" Jonathan asked, his hand on her back, rubbing up and down softly.

A pained whimper left her in return, she hunched more forward in her seat, Theodore, who was standing watching her being in pain unfold, glanced downward to where her hands were clutching. He immediately knew what the problem was and he knew what to do.

He quietly left the room without saying another word and went to the kitchen, opening the medicine cabinet he looked through it and after a while found what he was looking for.

It's a family recipe for intense pain which he knows their girl is feeling. His mother had left one at their place when she last visited, in promise that she'd bring more the next time she visits.

He also got a glass of warm water and headed back into the direction he came from. He entered, finding his friends panicking while their girl tried calming them down, still holding her stomach.

Nevaeh heard the door, sighing in relief when she saw Theodore approaching, she got up, making him shake his head at her.

She sat back down and sighed, rubbing her temples when the men wouldn't let her speak.

Theodore came beside her and opened the bottle, taking out two pills he handed them to her and bought the glass close to her lips.

She put the pills in her mouth and drank the water, she breathed in deeply after finally hearing the men calm down and get quiet.

"You'll feel better in a bit my love." Theodore muttered, running his hand through her hair and messaging her scalp.

Nevaeh's eyes closed on their own record, her body relaxing. Her head leaned back more into his hand, enjoying the camping sensation it's bringing her.

Meanwhile, Eliot was rubbing her hand when he noticed something, more like felt something. Kind of like a bump, on Nevaeh's wrist.

He lifted the shirt off by a bit and was surprised and angry with what he saw.

"What the fuck is that?!"

"What the fuck is that?!"

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