Chapter 51

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Eliot leaned back, Theodore taking his place, he was shirtless, still dressed in his slacks, her eyes traveled from his chest down to his abs, her hand trailed down them softly, caressing his hard body with her fingertips.

Her eyes met his again, she didn't have time to say anything before his lips came crashing down on hers, harshly. His tongue invaded her mouth without a second thought.

He caressed the inside of her mouth softly yet harshly with his tongue, he could taste the chocolate cake she had earlier for dessert at the restaurant. It just made him kiss her harder.

His hand went beneath her shirt, brushing his fingers across her stomach gently. He tugged at her shirt, silently asking for permission to take it off.

She held his hand, wrapping it around the fabric of her shirt and nodded through the kiss, allowing him.

He swiftly removed her shirt, staring down at her with noting but hunger and lust in his cold blue eyes.

He leaned down, kissing her neck then trailing down to her collarbone, leaving soft feather like kisses down to the middle of her breasts.

Her eyes closed briefly, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips kissing down her body. His hands roamed down from her waist to her thighs, running his hands up and down.

His lips kissed her stomach, everywhere, he kissed her everywhere. She loved the feeling, it made her whole body erupt in flames.

He looked at her, then at her skirt, he stared at her for a second before holding the fabric between his fingers and tugging it down, taking it off and throwing it behind his shoulder, Jonathan catching it swiftly, just like he did with the shirt.

He leaned his body downwards, his eyes zeroing on her thighs, littered with scars.


His fingers lightly touched the scars she'd given herself, feeling the bumps under his fingertips. His heart cracked, not even bearing the thought of her hurting herself on purpose.

He leaned his head down, kissing each and every one of them, on both thighs. He kissed them so softly and delicately that it bought tears to her eyes.


Nevaeh sat on the floor in the orphanage bathroom, staring at the door in fear someone would walk in on her and find her.

She stared at the sharp blade in her trembling hand, glancing at it then at her thigh. She was contemplating doing it.

She shook her head in disbelief, moving her hand away from her thigh. But her hand paused mid way when she remembered the horrible things that disgusting man did to her.

Tears brimmed her eyes when she remembered his grimy touches and all those stuff he did to her, and only her.

She just wanted the pain to end, is that too much to ask for? She didn't want to feel heartache and pain and sadness anymore, she wanted to be happy,

Is that too much?

Her blurry vision focused on the blade once again, and with shaky hands she inched her hand towards her thigh, slowly, very slowly she glided the blade across her skin, breaking it apart, making a dark crimson liquid trickle down her thigh.

She just wanted the pain to go away, just for a little bit, she knows the pain will never go away, but she wanted it gone, even for a short time, even for a few minutes, even for a few seconds, that's how much she wanted the pain to stop.

Her eyes closed, the heaviness in her heart went away, she smiled briefly, heaving out a sigh of relief, she felt free, so free she started laughing loudly.

She did it again, and again, she liked, loved, the feeling, the freedom she felt. It made her feel good, awesome, made her want to do more and more.

More and more blood trickled down her legs to the white floor, now red with her blood. She stopped once she saw it was enough.

She sat there, staring at her bloodied thighs, the bloodied floor, Joe made her do this, Joe ruined her life, if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be sitting here and hurting herself.

Her eyes started closing at their own record, but they snapped open once she heard the orphanages main door slamming shut, with loud voices yelling so loudly the thin walls shook.

She tried standing up, dizziness clouded her head. Blurriness clouded her eyes. She stood their for a minute till she regained her eyesight and her consciousness.

She quickly washed her wounds and wrapped them in the only fabric she could find, she didn't have anything to disinfect them with, so water and soap will have to do.

She hissed as she wrapped them quickly, scared she might get caught. She cleaned the floor, making it spotless.

She checked herself in the mirror, she looked pale, dark circles under her eyes, her hair going all over the place, nothing new, this is how she looked everyday, just she was more paler, probably from all that blood she lost.

The thought had sunk in, she gave in the feeling, the urge to hurt herself, purposely. Tears started leaking down her cheeks like rivers.

She gave in, gave in to the voice inside her head to do it, and she hated it, but she also loved the feeling.

Loud footsteps snapped her away from her thoughts. She knew those footsteps, so loud and haunting.

She kept staring at herself in the mirror, not moving. It was only a matter of minutes. Even seconds.

The door slammed open, his loud voice booming in the room.


It was you Joe.

All because of you.

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