Chapter 17

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It's been two weeks since the men took Nevaeh to the amusement park and every weekend they take her somewhere new. They want her to experience fun and happiness since they concluded she didn't do any when she was a kid.

They are happy to do so, spending time with her is refreshing, especially when work becomes too much, she asks them about their days and they do the same, they help her sometimes with her homework and she gives them kisses as a thank you, which they find cute.

It's Wednesday today and Nevaeh has an extra shift since she needs to make three birthday cakes. As soon as she finished her classes for the day she went straight to the bakery.

She entered through the back door and entered the kitchen, she put her stuff in her locker and she put on her apron, then she got straight to work.

She started on the first cake while she did cupcakes, she put them in the oven and went ahead to do the rest, she was tired and sleepy, but she needs to finish, no matter what.

Three hours later the cakes were baked but now she needs to frost them and decorate them, which is actually her favorite part.

Theodore was waiting for his friends in his office while he pet his stuff away, their beauty on his mind, he smiled softly remembering how excited she gets when they take her to new places.

She makes them feel things, things they've never felt before, and that's scary, terrifying even, not knowing what will happen in the future scares them to no end, but they always try to push that fear away.

To get his mind off the scary thoughts he decided that they go try that cute bakery near the university. People always say how good their baked goods are and everything they have are to die for, so why not.

Hades bursted through the office doors, throwing himself on the couch and sighing while rubbing his head, a headache forming.

The others followed shortly after, each of them taking a seat and breathing out a sigh of relief, feeling thankful that the day is finally over.

Theodore talked before any of them could, "Get your asses up, we're going to the bakery."

Groans erupted throughout the room, why couldn't they just go home and sleep? Or they can get one of their men to go to the bakery, why do they need to go?

Theodore held up a hand, immediately silencing them, "We're going, and that's final." He held his briefcase and moved towards the door.

He stopped once he didn't hear footsteps behind him, he slowly turned around and raised an eyebrow, with a final sigh, the men stood up, straightened up their suit jackets and moved towards the door, silently walking behind Theodore while glaring at the back of his head.

He smirked, enjoying their reaction, and knowing that they'll thank him later on.

They got in their cars and drove the short drive to the bakery, they have a feeling that something will happen.

They parked and got out of their cars, their faces impassive, when are they not? They walked together, Theodore in the front, they looked powerful, like true leaders.

Theodore opened the bakery door, making the bell above ring, they inhaled the smell of baked goods and coffee.

Nevaeh was mixing a bowl in the kitchen when Lauren bursted inside. Nevaeh didn't hear her as she was lost in her thoughts.

Lauren began shouting at Nevaeh but the girl didn't pay attention, Lauren noticed and thought that she had enough.

She grabbed Nevaeh's skinny wrist and dug her nails in her flesh. Nevaeh's eyes widened in fear, panic and pain while Lauren's blazed with hate and dislike.

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