Chapter 60

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Nevaeh was done packing her bag for the night, she added a couple extra stuff just in case, she was alone with Hades, the others had to go for important work that just came up, she didn't mind, they can't stop their work because of her.

She grabbed the bag and walked downstairs, putting it near the front door so she doesn't forget it. She walked back up the stairs, up to the third floor.

Where their offices where located.

Her thoughts have been going crazy ever since she stepped inside, the conversation she heard them talking about was repeating in her head, the conversation about Joe.

She needs a distraction, and Hades is the only one available.

She didn't want to think about it anymore, this constant voice in her head that she buried a long time ago resurfaced, she's needs it to stop.


"Hades!" She yelled his name once she reached.

"Here!" He yelled back, his voice coming from the slightly open door.

She walked towards it, knocking before fully entering and shutting the door behind her.

He was sitting behind his desk, a small stack of papers in front of him, a sliver pen in his hand, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the few buttons of his shirt open, his hair messed up, a frown settled on his face.

She bit her lip, this is the distraction she needs

She walked over to him, sitting on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him sweetly, not letting him let out a word.

He kissed her back, a bit surprised yet not really, his hand landing on her hip, squeezing tightly.

Her hand traveled down to his chest, running her fingertips on his exposed skin. Hades slightly shivered, his cock hardening.

Her hands fumbled with the buttons, opening them up and taking his shirt off.

His hands held hers, stopping her movements.

"Whats wrong?" He asked her, his thumb wiping her bottom lip.

She closed her eyes briefly before opening them again, her eyes glossy and ready to let the tears fall.

"J-just this once, make me forget." She whispered, putting her forehead on his.

His hand went up and down her thigh, down to her knee and then settling on her inner thigh.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked her, his gaze hot.

"Fuck me."

Hades stared at her wide eyed, his mouth open in shock. His ears clearly deceiving him.

"What?!" He had to make sure he was hearing correct.

"I want you to fuck me." She repeated, looking at him seriously.

"Fuck me like you hate me."

He must be hearing wrong.

"Just..." Nevaeh sighed before continuing, "Just this once, make me forget, please." She pleaded, tears threatening to fall.

Hades was hesitant, it was clear, but her plead made his heart ache for her, he knew that she needed to do anything to make her forget, anything, he was here to help her, so he nodded his head, agreeing.

Nevaeh kissed him deeply, showing her gratitude through the kiss, his hand went to the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss further.

His hands went to her thighs, feeling them before he picked her up and put her on the desk, his lips leaving hers and down to her neck in urgency.

He nibbled on her neck, leaving little kisses and bites here and there as he opened his drawer, pulling out a wrapped condom.

Her hands fumbled with his belt, tugging at his waist as he did with her trousers. He pulled her down from the table, pulling down her pants and underwear too.

She'd managed to free his cock, stroking his hard length up and down before he turned her around, bending her over the desk after he moved his stuff to the side quickly.

She heard the foil unwrap, feeling his tip tease her entrance before slowly sliding in, filling her up.

Her eyes closed briefly, a low moan escaping her lips with each little thrust before he slammed into her, her hands squeezing the table.

His hand landed on her hip, forcing her body to stay still as he rammed into her, her small body moving and swaying with his hard thrusts.

Her head dropped to on with table with a thud, moaning out loader with each passing second.

She cried out when he hit a spot, her walls clenching around him, squeezing his cock.

"H-harder." She managed to chock out.

He obliged, slamming into her harder the desk moved, he leaned down, his chest pressed against her back, he bit her earlobe, breathing heavily in her ear.

"Shit, you feel so good." He hissed, his hand going under her shirt and squeezing her nipple between his fingers, a gasp leaving her lips.

"Oh god!" Nevaeh was gasping at this point, she still wasn't satisfied.

"More, I need more." She gasped, her eyes closing as her nails dug into his arm.

The building in her stomach was getting bigger and harder not to let go, she felt nothing but pure lust and ecstasy, it was too much yet too little.

Her body was flipped, her back was against the desk as he lied her down, his hand on her clit rubbing furiously as he slammed into her once again.

A moan left her, her back arching. His hands supported her thighs as he pounded into her now swollen pussy, his balls smacking against her ass.

She cried out, her eyes closing tightly as she came, her mouth dropped open in a silent scream.

Hades didn't stop, only slowing down but still hard enough.

She breathed heavily as he groaned, her legs squeezing his waist and bringing him closer, deeper.

He came undone, his head in her neck, biting harshly.

They breathed heavily against each other until Nevaeh broke the silence.

"Fuck me more, fuck me harder."

He looked up at her, his eyes fully black, his thumb wiped her bottom lip before he spoke.

"I'll fuck you till you can't walk."


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