Chapter 19

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Nevaeh's whole body was shaking with fear, her heart was beating out of her chest and her ears were ringing loudly.

Fat tears rolled down her rosy cheeks, she was scared, terrified even, his loud voice and his yelling unlocking a deep memory she's been trying to bury deep down in her brain. Something she never wants to remember.

"Answer me Nevaeh!" His booming voice echoed in the office, making her tremble more.

"Angel, you need to calm down, you're scaring her." Hades stepped in, putting his hands on Angel's shoulders and trying to back him away.

"Calm down?! You want me to fucking calm down?! Look at her wrist!" He exclaimed.

"I know-" Hades sighed before continuing, "Look I'm mad too but you need to calm down because yelling isn't gonna work, she's scared, we need to calm down so we can understand what happened." Hades explained calmly, but his blood is boiling on the inside.

Angel stilled for a minute, thinking Hades' words over, before finally taking multiple deep breaths in and then nodding his head.

Nevaeh was still in Eliot's arms, clutching his dark blue dress shirt tightly, hiding her face in his chest while silently crying. 'He's never yelled at me before'
She's never seen them this mad before. Never seen him this mad before.

"Nevaeh darling, you need to breath and calm down okay? Angel doesn't mean to yell at you, he's just mad and worried about you." Eliot whispered to the shaking girl, running his hand through her soft hair.

She didn't respond but instead cried more, she pressed her face harder onto his chest. "Shh it's okay, you need to breath, just like that okay?" He whispered again and breathed in himself, so she could copy him.

It took a couple minutes and a few tries before she was finally able to calm her breathing down and to stop crying.

"There you go, now let's sit." He praised, giving her a peck on the forehead and held her hand before taking a seat on the couch, her on his lap.

They sat in silence for a while, Angel's hands itching to kill whoever hurt their girl. The others having the same thoughts.

Eliot decided that he should ask before Angel and Hades try, because both are hotheaded.

"Who did this to you babe?" He asked, looking down at her and taking the palm of her hand and kissing it.

She bit her lip, contemplating whether she should tell them the truth or not. The men could see their hesitation and are hoping that she tells them the truth. Because that's the only thing they want, the truth.

After mentally reaching a decision, Nevaeh spoke, her voice coming out scratchy from all the heavy crying, "L-Laura."

The men stilled for a second, racking their brain to remember a Laura, but nothing came up, at least for Eliot and Hades, but not Angel.

He shot up from his seat on the couch, running his hand through his brain, he turned and looked at Nevaeh, his green eyes cold, "From the bakery." It wasn't a question, but a conclusion.

A barely noticeable nod was seen, making Angel open the door abruptly and leave, slamming the door shut behind him.

Nevaeh flinched, then screwed her eyes shit tightly from the hard pain in her head, like lightning.

She held her head and clutched her hair in pain and frustration, she inhaled and couple times, hoping it would take the pain away.

Hades got up from his seat and went over to Theodore's desk, opening the left drawer and taking out a small white bottle.

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