Chapter 47

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A beautiful tiny woman came running towards their direction, none of the guys seemed surprised, instead they looked happy, smiles on their faces.

"Oh how I missed you!" The woman yelled, tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around Theo.

"I missed you too, mama." Theo spoke, wrapping his arms around the woman, now known as his mother.

Four other woman screeched, running in a full sprint, throwing themselves on the guys. She knew it was their mothers, their tears, hugs, kisses and sobbing said it all.

She just wished she had a mother, a mother to hug her like their hugging them, a mother to wipe her tears away, a mother to kiss her forehead and to help her with her homework, a mother to comfort her on her dark days, she felt a pang in her heart watching them.

Nevaeh just stood on the side awkwardly, looking around the room, a couple people were looking at her weirdly while others just stared at her blankly.

She was nervous, too nervous.

She gave them a smile, and surprisingly they all returned it. She stumbled back as she felt arms wrap around her, she looked and saw Theo's mother looking at her with a huge smile.

"Aren't you a beauty? Dio mio, look at these gorgeous eyes." She spoke, fascination in her eyes as she held Nevaeh's face and stared at her eyes.

"What's your name, honey?" Another woman spoke, her British accent heavy, so this is Jonathan's mother.

"I'm Nevaeh, it's nice to meet you." She spoke, her voice small, her cheeks pink, her heart beating too fast.

"Hi Nevaeh, I'm Becca,  Jonathan's mom, it's nice to meet you as well." She spoke, her voice gentle and her smile soft, her eyes crinkling as she smiled.

"I'm Sofia, Theo's mom." The woman who hugged her said, now known as Sofia.

"I'm Anna, Angel's mom." She introduced with a soft smile.

"I'm Emma, Hades mom." She wrapped her hands around Nevaeh and bought her in a small hug.

"I'm Amelia, Eliot's mom." She patted Eliot's cheek as he grumbled.

Nevaeh smiled, she liked them, they seemed nice and didn't make any comments or looked at her weirdly, hopefully they get along.

"Come, let's have breakfast then you can rest." Sofia chirped, they walked ahead of them, their steps confident, not to mention their looks.

They walked towards a group of men, all of them holding a glass and clinking them together.

"Guys." Amelia interrupted them, gesturing towards Nevaeh.

The older men stopped talking and looked at her, their cold faces and blank eyes making her nervous, she averted her eyes to everywhere in the room.

"This is Nevaeh." Becca introduced.

"Hello, Nevaeh, I'm Gabriel." He nodded his head, his eyes analyzing her. She knew it was Eliot's dad when Eliot hugged him, his dad patting him on the back.

"This is my dad." Angel whispered in her ear, nodding his head towards an older looking him.

"I'm Noah, nice to meet you." He gave her a tight lipped smile.

"I'm Ambrose, Hades dad." He smiled, pulling his son for a hug, and so did the others.

It's at times like these that Nevaeh wishes that she has a dad, she could see their fathers love for the their sons, and she wished she had someone to give that love.

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