Chapter 62

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Trigger warning!!!

A cracking sound resonated in the dark bloody room,
a cry of pain heard as the chained man spit out blood.

"How do you like that, fucker?" Angel spoke, his voice cold.

"I don't even know you! Why am I here?!" Joe screamed, struggling to free himself from the tight ropes.

"You don't know me, but you do know Nevaeh, don't you?" Angel tsked, his voice hinting anger.

A smirk formed on his lips immediately at the mention of her name, his eyes twinkling with evilness.

"How could I forget that bitch? She was my toy." He chuckled before it got off by a punch to the jaw.

"What the hell bro?" Joe yelled, spitting the blood from his mouth.

"I'm not your bro." Angel rolled his eyes, rolling his neck.

"So, how did you know Nevaeh?"

Joe laughed, "She was a useless orphan in the orphanage that I had, a freak with those eyes of hers, but tight, that was the good thing about her."

"Fuck!" He yelled again from another punch.

"You fucking raped her! She was a child!" Angel delivered one more punch before walking over to a small metal table, picking up a small knife.

He walked back to Joe, the knife clutched tightly in his hand.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Joe yelled, wiggling.

Angel stabbed the knife in his thigh, laughing manically when Joe screamed in pain.

"Angel what the fuck?!" Eliot exclaimed, walking inside the room and cringing at the sight of Joe.

"What?" Angel smiled back, his eyes growling darkly.

"You look fucking creepy, calm down." He huffed out a breath, standing near him and assessing Joe.

"You don't look too good." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Angel shook his arms, clapping his hands once and getting ready to stab the knife again.

"God, I haven't felt this excited in so long."

Eliot turned to him, "You do this everyday."


"You're fucking crazy." Eliot muttered.

"Nothing I haven't heard before." He wiggled his brows, plunging the knife in the other thigh, laughing from the screams.

"Let's have some fun." Angel whispered in Joe's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

He trailed the knife to his dick, "I hope you like pain."


Nevaeh's hands ached, they've been upward for like ten hours now and she still couldn't get a braid done.

She dropped her hands in defeat, tears of frustration escaping her eyes, a sniffle left her.

She looked at herself in the mirror, she's been wanting to do it for a while, and it's not working, more tears leaked down her cheeks.

The door behind her opened softly, Jonathan entered the room, a small pink bag in his hand.

Her teary eyes connected with his blank ones through the mirror, her bottom lip trembling as he walked towards her.

Jonathan stood behind her, his hand wrapping softly around her neck and rubbing her soft skin soothingly.

"It's okay." He whispered as he wiped her tears, setting the bag down on the vanity.

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