Chapter 41

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Nevaeh woke up with a gasp, clutching her chest as she choked on her breaths, her eyes brimmed with tears as she coughed harder, feeling like something was closing in on her throat.

She was still gasping, clutching her neck in hopes of getting some aire in, she kept choking on her tears and breaths, she felt like she was going to die, her throat hurt, her head hurt, everything hurt yet she didn't know why.

Big hands made their on to her back, rubbing big circles and patting, while another pair of hands held her face, "Nevaeh darling, I need you to breath for me." The rough voice spoke, she couldn't make out who it was from the constant ringing in her ears.

Tears were still streaming down her cheeks, making her vision blurry, she so badly wanted to get air into her lungs, but she couldn't, and that's what making her panic more.

"Nevaeh, I need you to listen to me, listen to my voice." The voice was calm, and steady, but she couldn't make out who was talking to her from the constant ringing in her ears.

"Breath in slowly, then let it out, come on try it." The soothing voice continued, and she did just that.

She breathed in slowly then exhaled, and then after a couple more times she was finally able to get her breathing in check.

Her blurry eyes cleared, and she saw the concerned faces of her five men, deep frowns on their faces.

She looked beside her, to the owner of the calm voice, Theodore had his hand on her back, rubbing softly as he looked at her with his usual cold eyes, his eyes stuck on hers.

"You did well, sweetheart." He spoke, his tone soothing and collected, he cupped her check and wiped her tears with his thumb.

She averted her gaze at the others, suddenly feeling insecure all of a sudden.

Why does she have to be such a burden? Why couldn't she normal?

"How are you feeling, sweet girl?" Angel muttered from beside her, wincing in obvious pain as he leaned closer to her to lay soft kisses on her cheeks.

Her heart fluttered, her eyes brimmed with tears once again at the warmth and affection they're giving her, she's been having a couple of breakdown moments, yet that didn't drive them away, it just brought them closer, and that's what made her fall for them even more.

"I-I'm okay, m-my throat h-hurts a-a bit." She winced as she heard her voice, along with the dryness in her throat.

A cup of warm water was brought to her lips as soon as she finished her sentence, and she sighed in relief when the cool liquid went down her throat.

Her mouth was patted dry with a tissue paper by Hades, and she smiled in appreciation at the soft gestures, to which they returned.

"How about some food, yeah?" Eliot suggested, and as soon as he finished his sentence, Nevaeh's stomach growled, agreeing with his offer.

She blushed a deep red and averted her gaze somewhere else in the room, feeling embarrassed, while the men just laughed softly.

She then quickly turned to Angel, scooting closer towards him, "How are you feeling now?" She cupped his face as she looked at him with a concerned frown.

He held her hand cupping his face and brought it ti his mouth, kissing her palm lovingly, "I'm doing better now, hurts a bit but nothing I can't handle."

She nodded and kissed his nose, then got off the bed, stretching, it felt so good, her body felt weak to the point she couldn't stand anymore, she fell on Jonathan, his huge arms catching her and trapping her in.

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