Chapter 57

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She's pretty sure she's never met that woman before, but how did she know her name? Nothing seems to make sense anymore, first the man that she bumped into was standing in front of her, called her name yet she's never met him, then his brother choked her, and lastly his mother crying at the sight of her.

She must be confusing her with someone else.

Yes that's probably it, but,

What the hell is going on!?

"I-I'm sorry, sweetie, I'm just emotional, I'm Carly." The woman apologized, wiping her tears with a tissue and putting her hand out for her to shake.

Nevaeh smiled shakily, shaking her hand, "It's nice to meet you as well."

"Nevaeh, darling, why don't you go with Carly? She'll show you her beautiful garden while we talk to Lucian." Jonathan placed a hand on her hip, squeezing softly as he spoke. His accent thick.

Nevaeh nodded excitedly yet hesitantly, she loves flowers and everything to do with nature, but she was hesitant about leaving their sides, she was with a stranger after all, she can't trust her, but something inside her is telling her to.

With a kiss to the forehead by the five of them she left with Carly and they went up the stairs.

They walked silently side by side, Carly's black hair flowed down her back in soft curls, it was shiny and not a hair was out place, she was dressed comfortably yet with elegance, her face showing signs of age but not a lot.

Carly showed elegance, and that fascinated Nevaeh.

Her blue eyes were dull and tired, like something happened that broke her, absolutely crushed her soul.

Carly opened a door for her and she smiled shyly as a thank you, Carly returning it with a smile.

"Here we are." She muttered, glancing around with sad eyes.

Nevaeh's eyes widened, it was absolutely gorgeous, something out of a movie, something that she had imagined over and over again.

It was like an indoor garden, covered by glass that protected it from the rain and wind. It had all kinds of different flowers and plants.

Her eyes roamed everywhere till they settled on one specific pot of flowers.

She walked over to the pot of light pink peonies in a daze, her eyes were glued to them, it was like they were calling her name.

She stood over them, gazing at them with fascination, Carly froze for a minute before walking and standing beside Nevaeh, looking at the flowers with tears in her eyes.

"They're beautiful." Nevaeh whispered, gently touching the petals.

Carly sucked in a deep breath before responding, her voice shaky, "They are, they're my favorite, and they used to be my daughters favorite too." She smiled at the end, lightly touching a petal.

"She loved them, she used to always grab my hand and make me run with her to see them after she'd return from preschool. We'd sit here for hours, just talking and planting them. When it was time for her to go to bed, she'd make me promise that we'll return tomorrow to check on them and see if they had grown." She laughed lightly at the end, wiping the tear that had escaped.

"Lucian would always come home with a peony wrapped in his hand, immediately searching for her and giving it to her. She loved it. Her eyes would get wide with excitement and love as she took it from her father in her small hands. It was an everyday routine." She looked out the glass with a heartbroken look.

"Till it wasn't." She whispered under her breath, but Nevaeh heard her clearly.

"She looks like you, you know? She would've been your age now." She smiled at her gently, her eyes filled with hope.

Nevaeh's eyes widened, "Where is she?" She whispered, her heart beating.

Carly gulped, staring at the peonies, "Dead. She died sixteen years ago, she would've been 20 in two days." Carly's tears ran down her cheeks in rivers, yet she didn't make a sound, only cried silently.

Her own birthday was in two days, what a coincidence!

She pulled Carly in for a hug, wrapping her arms around her tightly and letting her cry her pain and hurt for the death of her daughter on her shoulder.

She couldn't imagine what this family is going thru for the loss of their daughter and sister, it must be heartbreaking.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Carly. She'll always be with you, here." She placed a hand on her heart.

"She's watching over you right now." Nevaeh smiled, giving Carly a tissue from the tissue box sitting on a cute coffee table.

"Thank you sweetie, I'm sorry for breaking down in front of you, for the second time already!" She laughed at the end, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Nevaeh chuckled in response, "It's no problem, everybody needs a good cry, I know I need one."

Although she just had one like a couple hours ago, but she doesn't need to know that.

Carly laughed, "Come on, let's go have some hot chocolate."

A smile took over Nevaeh's face, she loves hot chocolate, she remembered when she opened the cupboard In the guys kitchen, it was filled with containers of her favorite brand of cocoa.

Together, they walked down a long hallway, the walls were filled with pictures of the family, four young boys, a tall buff man standing behind them with his arm wrapped around a pregnant woman's waist, they were smiling at the camera, their eyes filled with pure joy and happiness.

Her eyes zeroed on a big photo of a young girl, light purple eyes filled with adoration with light blond hair, a dimple in her right cheek.

Nevaeh stopped in her tracks, staring at the photo with furrowed brows. Carly stopped once she heard no footsteps behind her, she looked and saw Nevaeh staring at the picture of her baby girl.

With slow steps she stood beside her, gently touching the girls cheek lovingly through the glass.

"This is her, my daughter." She whispered, looking at Nevaeh.

"What was her name?" She asked, her voice tiny and shaky as she lightly touched the girls eyes.

Carly gulped, putting her hand on her chest.



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