Chapter 25

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It's already Thursday morning and Nevaeh's feeling like she's gonna collapse any second. The pain was unbearable and gut wrenching.

She was about to touch the lecture hall door when a sudden wave of dizziness hit her hard. She leaned on the wall for support and breathed in deeply when she felt her breaths shorten.

She closed her eyes and waited for the dizziness to end, period is the worst, it was always like this when she gets it, and every time it's not fun.

"Nevaeh? You okay?" Her eyes snapped upon hearing Jade's voice.

She gave her a weak smile and slowly leaned off the wall.

"Yea, just cramps." She lowered her voice and lied through her teeth, hoping Jade would believe her.

However, she couldn't tell if she did or not, seeing as Jade had an expressionless face. Nevaeh was never able to tell what she was thinking or what she was feeling, just like now.

After a moment of silence Jade gave her a nod and steadied her before they both walked off to the lecture which they both had.

They entered and took their usual seats and got their stuff ready. The professor entered and the lecture began.

'How? How is she alive? Where has she been all this time?' Those questions kept repeating in his head like a broken record

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'How? How is she alive? Where has she been all this time?' Those questions kept repeating in his head like a broken record.

He thought back to the moment where he saw her, he remembered every detail of her face, her freckles, her small nose, her pouty lips and most importantly, her eyes, the eyes he could never forget.

He tried telling himself that it may never be her but when he called her by her name she seemed scared that he knew it, and that only meant one thing.

'Oh my god, it's her!' He told himself and gripped his hair tightly.

How is he gonna make sure that it's her? He needs to find her first at that if he needs to prove that it's her.

He ran his hand through his hair and held the vase in his hand, throwing it at the wall, breaking it into a million pieces.

"Fuck!" He yelled, throwing yet another glass.

Not a moment later his office door was thrown open and three men stood there worried and confused.

"Brother, you okay?" The oldest looking one of them asked and glanced around the room, noticing the glass on the floor.

Turning around, the three men could see the anger and confusion and some hope in his eyes, but they couldn't understand why.

"Shit!" He cursed once again and carefully moved to sit on his chair behind the desk.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, her face immediately flashing in front of his eyes.

'How can I ever forget her?' He thought to himself.

The other men present in the room took their seats and looked at their eldest brother with worry.

"It's about her isn't it?" The youngest looking one of them asked, his hands clenching beside him.

"I can't forget her." He said with a sigh, his voice breaking.

The others nodded slowly, they know what he's talking and feeling about. They also can never forget her, but it's been years.

"It's been years, maybe it's time to let go." The one in the middle said.

At his words the eldest brothers eyes snapped open and he looked at his brother with anger and shock.

"Let go?! Let go?! How can I let go?! How can we fucking let go?! I fucking love her and I'm not losing hope! I know she's alive!" He yelled, standing up and slamming his hands on the desk.

The brothers flinched hearing their brothers words.

"We also love her! But it's been years!" One of them exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"I'll fucking shoot you if you don't stop talking nonsense!" The eldest said, his eyes cold and daring.

He was about to open hi mouth to talk when an emotionless voice stopped them in their tracks.

"That's enough!"

All movement stopped as soon as the man spoke. His calculating gaze going over everyone in the room before finally settling on the picture frame sitting neatly on the desk.

He looked at the glass covered ground and stepped over them, walking over to the desk and holding the picture, his eyes softening.

He ran his thumb over the young girls face and mumbled, "She's alive, I know she is."

"Where is she then?" The youngest son scoffed in disbelief.

No one cared to answer, because in reality, they don't know where she is, well maybe one of them but he's not sure yet.

It's been so long that it sometimes feels like a memory, her memories are fading over the years, and that's what's scaring them, they don't want to forget her.

The man sat down the picture frame and glanced at his sons, seeing how broken they look he felt his chest hurt.

"We will find her, I promise." He spoke, determination in his voice.

And with that he turned around and left the office, the others following behind him.

They'll find her, even if it kills them.

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