Chapter 11

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After finally finishing her tiring shift, Nevaeh was struggling to keep her eyes open as she tried to open her dorm room.

Her legs felt like they were about to collapse, she felt like she had been run over by a truck, every part of her body was in pain.

After successfully opening the door, she wobbled inside and closed it behind her and made sure to lock it.

Without even changing her work clothes, she put her stuff down on the floor and threw herself on the bed.

Her eyes closed as soon as her head hit the pillow.


The next day Nevaeh woke up disoriented, her body was sore all over and she couldn't move a muscle.

She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, she took a nice warm shower and got ready for the day, although she wished she'd sleep all day, but the fridge isn't gonna restock itself.

Taking her wallet along with her phone she headed out the door, but she made sure to take two aspirins before she left.

Leaving the building, Nevaeh started heading towards the supermarket near the dorm, it has everything she needs and it's not too expensive, some things are, but she makes sure to avoid them.

She wind rushed passed her, making her slightly shiver, but not as much as before, she truly was grateful for the coat they had given her, they didn't know how much it means to her.

Too lost in her thoughts about them, she didn't notice that she had arrived at her destination. She entered the market and immediately spotted the red baskets, she took one and began shopping.

Since she only had a little money, she plans on buying only the necessities. She got 4 small packs of ramen and two cucumbers and one tomato. She also got some water bottles and tampons.

She wanted to buy more, but she still had to go to the pharmacy since she's running out of aspirins.

While walking, she took out the crumbled money out of her wallet and began counting them to save her the embarrassment at the register.

Not noticing that someone's in-front of her, she bumped into a broad back and stumbled back. Her touched her nose with her small hand and flinched.

Tears pricked her eyes, 'This hurts! What is he made of, rocks?!' She thought to herself and lightly rubbed her nose.

The unknown man turned around with fire burning in his eyes, but that anger soon turned into shock and happiness when he saw who that was.


Nevaeh looked up and her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

"Mr Callisto?" She said, still shocked, but also happy at the same time.

"W-what are y-you doing here?" She asked and looked around.

He laughed, her pearly whites on display.

"Same thing as you." He replied and nodded his head towards the basket that she's holding that has groceries in it.

She laughed nervously, 'why else would he be here, idiot?' Her inner self said.

Suddenly a hand waved in-front of her face, she blinked rapidly to clear her sight and saw Mr Callisto looking at her with concern on his face, tho trying not to show it with a gently smile.

"Hey sweetheart, lost you there for a second, you alright?" He asked, the concern he's trying to hide on his face heard in his voice.

She cleared her throat and answered, "Um yeah, just remembered something." She gave an awkward laugh at the end and hoped to god to save her from this awkward moment.

"I wanted to talk to you actually." He said seriously, his free face that he had on disappeared as his usual cold face came back.

She suddenly became nervous, 'What does he want to talk about?' She asked herself, but she knew that he only could answer that.

"What about?" She questioned, and held her breath, waiting for an answer.

"Well we can't exactly talk here, why don't you come over for dinner tonight at our house? we'll talk more privately and freely." He offered, coming closer to her.

Nevaeh bit her lip, lost in thoughts, 'Should she go? And what is so important that they can't talk here?'

She didn't have much time to think about the offer, the sooner it ends the better, she nodded her head and replied to Mr Callisto who was patiently waiting.

"Okay." She blurted out.

Angel nodded and smile taking over his blank face.

"Great, I'll pick you up, meet me near the cafe." He said leaned closer to leave a light kiss on her cheek.

Nevaeh, too shocked to say anything, just stood still, still feeling the his lips lingering on her soft cheek.

She finally snapped out of her shocked state and followed closely behind him to the register.

He knew she'd follow, hence why he didn't say anything.

He met her go first, seeing as her stuff were a lot less, he frowned seeing how much little food she has, but decided not to say anything.

She quickly finished, and took out her money to pay, but a veiny hand holding a black shiny card stopped In-front of her.

She looked up and saw Mr Callisto holding the card and putting the pin.

She flushed and packed her stuff, she can't cause a scene here.

She waited for him outside, and once he was done, he got out and walked towards the grey shiny Range Rover.

He opened the backseat and started putting the groceries inside, when Nevaeh saw that he isn't looking and busy she slipped the money in his back pocket and left, muttering a smile bye.

What she didn't know was, he knew exactly what she was gonna do and felt it.

A smile came over his face, 'Cute.'

Merry Christmas!!! Stay safe and healthy!!

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