Chapter 30

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It was finally the end of the day and Nevaeh was exhausted, her legs were feeling like they were going to give out any second, not only that but her cramps were getting stronger and worse. She couldn't wait to  lie down.

She breathed out a sigh of relief as she left the lecture hall, she was finally done with her tests and now she can finally rest and relax. She went over to Jade who was leaning on the wall waiting for her.

"Finally! Now we can sleep as much we want." Jade said and threw her arm around Nevaeh's shoulders.

Together they started walking outside to a nearby restaurant to have some lunch to celebrate their last day before winter break.

They hoped in Jade's black Mercedes and drove off, laughing and joking the whole way. They both warmed up to each other after spending time together, their walls decreased bit by bit and now they're carefree with each other.

Jade is less cold and even more protective than the guys, she laughs and jokes around, completely different from before while Nevaeh is now less tense with her, she doesn't feel like she's being judged and actually feels like she matters and knows that she has a good friend if she's ever in need of a helping hand.

Soon they reached and Jade parked the car, they both got out and went inside the restaurant, it was cute and not too crowded which made Nevaeh's anxiety better, she never liked crowded places, they make her feel suffocated and like she's trapped with no where to go.

Jade tugged Nevaeh's hand and walked towards a table in the middle, they sat down and almost immediately a waiter went over to hand them the menus.

Thanking the waiter they both skimmed over the menu and decided on what they wanted to eat. After telling the waiter their orders they started talking about random things, mostly about university and silly things.

A while later they food arrived and Jade dug in immediately, Nevaeh laughed seeing her practically inhaling her food and just as she was about to eat the restaurant door opened.

In walked the powerful man whom she bumped into a week ago. His powerful aura and strides making goosebumps rise on her soft skin.

He didn't notice her yet which she was kinda thankful for. Her eyes followed his movements to the register where he spoke with the woman behind it.

She shook her head and decided to focus on her food which's still steaming hot. She took a bite and her eyes widened from how good it is.

Jade saw her expression and laughed, "Good yeah?" A smirk made its way on her lips.

"Really good!" Nevaeh answered after chewing.

While she wasn't looking tho, someone else had their attention on her.

He stood leaning on the counter with his arms in pockets, his face was blank as always, his bright blue eyes were emotionless and dull.

His eyes roamed the place until they settled on a specific someone.

His back straightened and his heart beat sped up, he's been wanting to see her again since the day they bumped into each other.

She changed and didn't at the same time, but she's grown up that's for sure, she's now an adult, a university student, and those thoughts alone made his heart squeeze painfully.

He's missed so much, they've missed so much of her life but not anymore, he just needs to make sure that's it's absolutely her before he does anything.

Nevaeh turned when she felt a dark gaze drilling holes into her head, her violet eyes met his bright blue ones, making her heart squeeze when she doesn't even know why.

Why? Why is she feeling like this? Why does it feel like she knows him? Why does her stomach turn when she looks at him? She's never met him before so whats the reason?

It's not something romantic, that's what she knows, but it's something g different, deeper and more personal. It's like they've met before, but where? She racked her brain for any moments but she came up with nothing except when she bumped into him the first time.

He looked at her more closely, more intensely, hoping for some kind of recognition from her, but to his disappointment, their was none, only confusion was seen.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard someone called him, "Sir, your order."

He quickly took the bag and looked at her one last time, only to find her looking at him.

With one last look, he turned and left, feeling her eyes on him the entire way.

The girls finished their food and they had a five minute argument about who's gonna pay, Jade ended up winning.

Jade dropped Nevaeh off at her dorm and she walked up the stairs. As soon as the door closed behind her she threw herself on the bed and sighed in relief.

Turning to lie on her back she stretched and heard a few satisfying 'pops'. Removing her shoes while still lying she was about to drift off unconsciously when he phone rang making her eyes snap open.

"Hello?" She answered without looking at the answer.

"Tesoro." A rough voice she knew too well answered.

A smile broke on her face, "Hi."

"How are you my love?"

They spoke for another hour about their days and how she did on her tests before Theodore ended the call with telling Nevaeh to get a bag ready since she'll be staying over at theirs.

She stared at the wall before she closed her eyes and dozed off.

Thank you for being patient and for your kind words it means the world for me, good luck to all of you!!!!!

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Thank you for being patient and for your kind words it means the world for me, good luck to all of you!!!!!

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