Chapter 2

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Entering the lecture hall, none of the brothers could believe what Eliot have just told them. They were all still in shock and their minds were running crazy.

'Could she really be the one?' They asked themselves. Nothing is proven yet until they see her for themselves.

Theodore King entered the lecture hall, briefcase in hand, his Italian shoes clicking against the floor gaining every students attention.

Everyone turned their heads towards him yet he didn't spare anyone a glance, he made his way towards the desk and sat his briefcase down.

Finally, he turned around and leaned his hip on the table with his arms crossed across his chest, his sleeved rolled up to his elbows, exposed tattoos and bulging muscles on display.

He still hasn't said a word, only staring at the unfamiliar students and observing everyone.

Until, his deep blue eyes made contact with violet ones, it's like his word stopped, his heart sped up and everything and everyone around him faded away except her.

He couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Her angelic face, her soft pink lips, her purple eyes, everything about her was innocent.

She captivated him like no other, she was like a magnet, attracting him the more he looked at her.

She looked so small between all the other students, like a small fish between an ocean of sharks.

Her silky hair framed her face perfectly, is cascaded down her mid back gently, her highlights brightening up more when the sun hits them.

'She's so beautiful, and perfect' he thought to him himself. 'Maybe she's the one Eliot was talking about' he hoped she is.

Finally snapping out of his daze he rounded the table and made his way behind the desk, he picked up the paper and skimmed it.

He looked back at the students and staring talking, his deep cold voice gained everyone's attention.

"My name's Theodore King, I'll be your professor for this year, you may call me Mr. King or professor, I'm not your friend and I'll not tolerate disrespect. Pay close attention when I'm talking because I'll not be repeating."

Everyone gulped, knowing that it's not a joke, he picked up the pencil and made his way towards the front of the class, his eyes flickering towards her every so often.

"I'll say your names and I want you to answer."

He couldn't wait to find out her name, he couldn't wait to find out everything about her.

"Amy Stewart?"

He started reading the names out loud, each student responding, just like he asked. Until,

"Nevaeh Violet?"

"Present." Came a soft reply.

His head snapped towards where the angelic voice came from, her voice was as soft as silk, making him feel a strange calmness, something he never felt before.

He kept staring at her and her doing the same, she couldn't differentiate what she was feeling, she was nervous, and felt butterflies in her stomach, this feeling was strange and new for her, hence why she was confused.

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