Chapter 12

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After Nevaeh reached her apartment, she emptied her groceries and cleaned up the messes in her dorm. After that she picked out her outfit for the dinner tonight, not like she had a lot of choices to choose from.

After finishing up everything in her dorm she got ready for work, she got ready in her work clothes and headed out, making sure to loch the door behind her.

The walk was short but relaxing, it gave her the right amount of time to think clearly and bask in the cold fresh air.

Once she saw the cafe come in view, she breathed in deeply and prepared herself for the insults and hate from her coworkers.

She opened the door and the bell above rang, pronouncing her presence. Laura looked to see who came and rolled her eyes when they settled on Nevaeh.

She could've used the back door but it was locked, she doesn't have a key which she had no choice but to enter through the front.

The smell of coffee hit her nostrils, making her breath in deeply. Although she doesn't drink coffee she likes the smell, she's more of a hot chocolate girl.

Walking by without a greeting she immediately headed for the kitchen and began taking out the bowls and stuff she'd need to start baking a new batch of chocolate cupcakes.

She immediately got to work, listening to calm music on the radio on low volume, as she was mixing the batter she thought about tonight's dinner, and what could be the cause of it.

She finished mixing, and she poured the batter into the cupcake tray, she turned around and put the tray in the oven and set the timer on the clock since the oven doesn't have timer.

Once she was done she turned back around and gasped, stumbling back into the counter.

"L-Laura?" She questioned, confusion on her face.

Laura smirked, seeing the fear on the soft girls face, she enjoyed seeing her scared, and the fact that she doesn't stand up to herself adds more of the bullying, she thinks she has no one, but that was before, now, she has five men backing her up, she doesn't know that, yet.

Laura walked closer to Nevaeh, towering over her, Nevaeh took small steps back, you can never be too careful, Laura leaned closer to Nevaeh's face and held her small soft wrist in her hand and dug her nails in her soft skin.

Nevaeh hissed, tears immediately filled her eyes.

"Where'd you get your shirt? It looks hideous!" Laura mocked, then laughed loudly, making Nevaeh feel more bad about herself.

She held her tears in, not making it satisfactory to Laura. Who immediately stopped laughing when she saw the girl holding her emotions in.

She tightened her hold on Nevaeh's hand, she didn't say anything, only taking a deep breath in and looking at the clock.

"Stupid." Laura whispered harshly and let go of Nevaeh's hand. She didn't realize how bad she's been holding her breath, once Laura left the kitchen it felt like she could breath again.

The clock rang, snapping her out of her thoughts, she didn't realize how much time has passed, she put on her gloves and took out the trays and let them cool down while she put it more trays in the oven.

That's how it went for the past three hours, her making batters and putting them in the oven to bake. Once everything was baked, she frosted everything and decorated them.

She really enjoyed baking, she hopes to have her own bakery someday, but somewhere deep in her heart, she knows that's impossible.

It makes her feel alive, like she can do anything she wants and likes, the people at her orphanage always called her 'stupid' and an 'idiot' for loving baking and enjoying it, she told herself like she doesn't care what they say, but in reality, she does, it always affects her, no matter how much she tried to stop it.

The clock rang, making her attention snap to the oven, she removed the remaining trays and let them cool, after that she cleaned everything up and put the dirty bowls in the dishwasher.

She took the baked goods and put them on display outside near the register.

Then she went back and washed her hands, she looked at her watch and her eyes almost bulged out of her head.

If she doesn't leave now she's gonna be late to the dinner!

She picked her stuff up and dashed for the door, it was the end of her shift anyway, she made it to her dorm and took a nice quick shower.

Now the hard part, what to wear?

She rummaged through her small dresser, after a while she found a white silk dress that she's had for a few years, she didn't wear a lot, so it was in good condition.

She put it on and put on her black boots, she put on the coat they gave her and then sprayed vanilla perfume.

She didn't have any makeup so she just checked herself in the mirror and headed out the door.

She walked to the place where they'd meet and just as she came into view a car honk was heard. She saw a black shiny BMW and waiting outside while leaning on the car was Mr Callisto.

She noticed her as soon as she came into view, she looked Incredible even though she didn't do anything, her hair flowed down her back gently, her freckles were adding more gentleness to her face.

Overall she looked like a goddess, making his heart skip a beat. A smile broke on his face when she walked towards him.

"Hi." She greeted, blush coloring her face from his intense stare.

"Well hello, don't you look beautiful?" He replied back, giving her a teasing smile.

"Thank you." Her face reddened even more along with her neck.

"Let's get going, shall we?" He asked and opened the door for her.


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