Chapter 26

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Nevaeh just locked the bakery door and turned around only to smack into a hard chest. A small scream left her as she glanced up in fear and shock.

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as her eyes tried adjusting to the dark.

"Shh, it's just me." Angel spoke, bringing Nevaeh to his chest.

A sigh of relief escaped her as she melted in his comforting arms. His manly scent instantly calming her down.

This week has been really hectic, along with it being midterm, she couldn't catch a break. Along with that her period is really being a pain.

Her small hands gripped his Bordeaux dress shirt tightly, she stayed still in his arms, not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He mumbled in her hair, breathing in her vanilla scent.

She leaned back a little and looked up at him, giving him a smile she stood on her toes and pecked his jaw, that was as far as she could reach.

Chuckling, Angel bent his head and captured her soft lips with his own, it was slow, but felt so surreal. He bit her lip, making a moan escape her mouth, and instantly allowing him access to enter his tongue.

He explored every inch of her mouth, savoring the flavor of her strawberry gum she was chewing before she threw out.

Her hands wrapped around his neck as an attempt to bring him closer, which he was happy to do, he pressed his lips closer, more tighter. Their breaths mixing and getting combined as one.

It was only when they were getting out of breath did they let go. Nevaeh leaned her forehead on Angel's, him doing the same.

Letting their heavy breathing calm down, they both closed their eyes, enjoying the moment.

After a while a small giggle left Nevaeh's lips, making  Angel snap eyes open and furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

Before he could even ask what was funny she wrapped her small hands around his torso and leaned her head on his chest that she barely reached, hugging him.

"I missed you." She said.

A soft smile played on his lips, he immediately wrapped her hands around her waist and bought her closer to his chest.

"I missed you so much more, farfalla." He said, meaning every word he said.

She smiled against his chest, feeling happy. But she couldn't help but ask,

"Wait, what are you doing here anyway?"

He looked down at her, "I came to pick you up so we can all have dinner together, what do you say?" He asked, already knowing her answer would be yes, not like he's taking no for an answer.

Nevaeh nodded excitedly, she was literally starving and she doesn't wanna miss spending time with her men, she was already so excited since tomorrow is the last day before winter break, that means more time to spend with them.

The men were also excited, they couldn't wait to surprise her, they figured since she didn't grow up like other kids, all the fun she didn't and couldn't have they'll have it together.

It means more memories together, more trust and their feelings were getting stronger as each day passes. They know they have a future with her.

"Let's get going shall we?" He asked, holding her hand and leading her to his car.

They got in and buckled up, Angel started the car and began driving, his hand on her thigh, squeezing occasionally.

He asked her about her day and she did the same, they talked the entire way, laughing and having fun, it was relaxing and comfortable.

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