Chapter 58

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I felt my heart drop as soon as the girl walked in

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I felt my heart drop as soon as the girl walked in.

The girl as in so called 'Nevaeh'.

Pushing the confusion aside, anger bubbled inside of me. This girl has to be a lookalike. Their is no way Nevaeh Santiago was alive.

She's dead.

I felt suspicious, she could be a spy, blending in as the girlfriend to gain information about the organization, for money, or simply for problems.

But the guys would already know or notice, I know my sons and my friends children, whom I also consider my sons, and they're not stupid, they'd know if something is up.

However, looking at her closely, I could tell something was off. She looked too much like Lucian's dead daughter,

Unless, she wasn't dead.

That could be the only explanation, but how could it be? They had a body, it was in front of them, with her DNA matching. Something isn't catching up.

I saw how nervous she was and still is, when meeting them, when it came to introducing myself, I felt a pang of hurt in my heart when she didn't recognize me, my cold eyes ran her over, looking for any signs of lies, but I couldn't find anything, only nervousness and fear.

It has to be her, I've been looking for every piece of information about her, everything seemed to make sense.

Nevaeh Violet, an orphan, 19 years old soon to turn 20 in two days, parents unknown, left at the orphanage when she was 5 years old on December 15 2oo6.

Everything seemed to link together, the date, the name, everything, all we need to prove it is a DNA test, this is the hard part.

I rubbed my forehead in frustration and leaned back in my chair with a sigh, I don't know what to think, everything is messed up and going in all the different directions.

I knew that the guys were at Lucian's house, telling him and making up a plan, he needs to know because I'm pretty sure he's Nevaeh father.

My eyes went over to the picture frame sitting comfortably on my desk, a photo of me and baby Nevaeh laughing with chocolate ice cream smeared on her face.

"Uncle Polo!" Nevaeh ran over to me, her hands covered with the ice cream she'd just eaten.

A laugh escaped my lips, I grabbed a wipe and began wiping her hands as my wife walked over to us, a camera in her hand.

"Look at you guys, come one let's take a picture." She smiled as she got the camera ready.

Nevaeh clapped, like she always does when she's excited, I hugged her closer, telling her to look at the camera.

We both did, a grin taking over our faces as Sofia snapped a couple more photos of us, Nevaeh's face covered in chocolate.

"Come on, let's go find your daddy." I picked her up, immediately spotting my dear friend and brother, Lucian, picking up two of his sons by the back of their shirts.

I pointed at them to Nevaeh, a loud laugh leaving her lips, I followed after her, he always picked them up like that, with his wife scolding him to not pick them up this way.

We reached up, Nevaeh immediately having her arms out towards him, he dropped the boys on the ground, taking his daughter from my arms and kissing her forehead.

Their was no doubt that Nevaeh was his princess and his favorite child, he loves all his children and he treats them all the same, but Nevaeh was just always different.

She always will be.

She's an exact copy of him, like he'd given birth to her and not Carly, it was funny and amazing at the same time.

This is what true friendship and family feels and looks like, it was perfect and nothing was going to change it.

Except for that day, the day where everything was ruined.

My phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked at the contact.


Knowing where this is going I picked up, putting the phone to my ear I couldn't even get a word out before his cold angry and hurt voice interrupted me.

"What the fuck?!"

"What the fuck?!"

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