Chapter 16

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The rest of the week passed by quickly, and Nevaeh was greeting used to being cared by five men, sure it's still weird and surreal to her, she's not fully comfortable but she's getting somewhere, so are they.

When Nevaeh saw Jade the next day, she told her that she couldn't accept the sandwich without paying for it, so she took out some crumbled bills, counted them and she quickly put them in Jade's pocket and then ran to her lecture which was about to start.

Today is Friday and the men wanted to surprise her to their first date, which she had no idea about.

Hades had texted her earlier in the day to wear something comfortable when her classes finished and meet them near the cafe next to her dorm, and to meet them later in the afternoon.

Since it's still a bit early she's getting some homework done while thinking about what they had in mind for her, but she didn't let it distract her from her work. So she continued and after a while she checked the time. She needs to get ready.

After she finished putting on her comfortable clothes she checked her schedule for Monday and saw that she had gotten a good amount of work done, that's one less thing to worry about.

She checked her watch and saw that she needed to get going, she opened her door and then left, making sure to lock it behind her and making sure she had everything with her.

She started walking towards the cafe, feeling her stomach fill with knots of nervousness and excitement at the same time, I mean, they see each other everyday, do they get bored of her? Will they get bored of her? I guess she'll have to wait and see.

Thing is, they see infinity with her, they'll never got bored of her.

She walked till she reached the cafe and came to a stop when she saw Hades leaning on the car door, he spotted her as soon as she arrived, a smile forming in his lips.

Nevaeh smiled back, walking closer to him and inside the car which Hades opened the door for her. The others were inside and were waiting for her.

Each had changed from their suits into more casual outfits, and they still looked good, they still looked hot, Nevaeh knows it, and they do too.

Eliot rested his hand on her thigh and gave it a small squeeze, she glanced at him and he gave her a soft assuring smile, which she appreciated.

"So where are we going?" She asked after taking a deep breath in.

No one answered for a while and they all looked at Theodore, it seems like they were all mentally communicating, but she never could know what they were thinking about, it was hard, they were cold, blank, but always soft with her, for her.

"It's a surprise." Was Theodore's simple answer, which added more to her apprehension.

"I don't like surprises." She muttered loud enough for them to hear and looked down at her lap, biting her lip and fiddling with her fingers.

"You'll like this one, I promise." Angel said from beside her and held her hand gently in hers, giving her a smile and a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay." She sighed and decided to trust them on this, but she couldn't help but wonder, 'What could it be?'.

They turned on the radio and listened to songs on the way, singing and humming along, which was so much fun for Nevaeh since she's never done anything like this before, the men made her feel normal and made her laugh the entire way.

Her cheeks were actually hurting from smiling and laughing a lot, which made the men smile in return, happy to make her feel joy, even when they've been together for a week and a few days.

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