Chapter 5

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Nevaeh was in the bakery baking some croissants when Laura, a coworker of hers bursted through the kitchen doors.

Nevaeh jumped, turned around with shock and fear all over her face. Once she saw Laura, she braced herself for everything. Anything was possible with her near Nevaeh.

She walked towards the scared girl with a glare and shoved the keys in her face. She leaned down to the girl's height and hissed.

"You'll close tonight, I'm leaving with my boyfriend."

Nevaeh opened her mouth and spoke up in a tiny voice.

"B-but I-i finish in a-an h-hour."

"I don't care. Do it." With a final shove to Nevaeh's shoulder, she left the kitchen.

Nevaeh stumbled back but she caught herself by holding on to the counter.

She closed her eyes in frustration but decided to just let it go. This is one of her flaws, she's just too scared and nice to stand up for herself, hence why people took advantage of her.

She finished baking and made sure that the late comers were taken care off. It's not often she did this, but when she did, it was hectic.

Finally finishing everything, getting everything cleaned up and ready for tomorrow, Nevaeh washed her hands and dried them off on the blue towel.

She took her stuff and went outside. She shivered as the cold air passed her, hugging herself to at least feel some warmth, she locked the doors and made sure that everything was locked up properly.

She looked left and right, nothing was there, yet she couldn't help but feel scared of what's in the dark.

The streets were dark and gloomy, she looked up at the night sky and noticed the grey clouds, an indication that it's gonna rain soon.

The street lights kept flickering on and off, making her even more scared, she hugged herself tighter and kept looking around her.

She blew air on her hands, and glanced at her old sweater that she's had since she was 16. Nevaeh has always been a small tiny girl, even more now when she's clearly malnourished, she doesn't get much by working in the bakery, seeing as it a lot of employees, but she makes it work.

She has too.

The sweater has a lot of holes and it's been stitched more than ten times, it was also her favorite, she got that sweater with her first paycheck when she started working at a gas station, by singing people up.

She felt accomplished, hence why she didn't want to get rid of it.

Noticing that a black SUV was behind her, she quickened her pace, but she couldn't do much with her shirt and already sore and tired legs.

The car honked, yet she didn't turn around, but walked faster. She glanced at the car with the side of her eye and her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

The car has stopped and the door to the passenger side was opening.

She felt her heart beat out of her chest. No! She's gonna get kidnapped!

She fastened her pace but a too familiar voice spoke, halting her fast steps.


Slowly, she turned around and sighed in relief. She's wasn't getting kidnapped and she wasn't in danger.

Slowly walking towards the car, she stood and spoke, "Mr Callisto, what are you doing here?" She asked him with furrowed brows.

He raised an eyebrow at her, his face impassive, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

She bit her lip, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden. Angel's eyes darkened seeing the pink flesh of her lips between her teeth.

He breathed sharply and checked his jaw.

"What are you doing out at this time?" He changed the subject, hoping to find out why she's out so late, what is someone hurt her.

She didn't know what to say, she didn't want to tell him that she was working tho so late at night, when it wasn't even her shift.

The best solution, to lie.

"I-I had to g-get s-some stuff." She stutter and hoped that he believed her.

Angel knew that she was lying, but didn't say anything, but made a metal note to discuss it later.

"I'll drop you off." He suddenly said.

She looked at him with wide eyes and mouth hanging open.

"N-no I-it's o-okay-" She tried to reject but he didn't leave her a choice.

"I didn't ask." He fixed her a hard look, and she nodded, not wanting to get on his bad side.

Together they walked and Angel opened the back door for her.

Sitting in the drivers seat was Hades, he was watching their interaction the whole time through then glass.

She got in and saw Hades, he nodded at her from the mirror and she gave him a small smile. Angel got in and they started heading towards the dorm building.

They knew since they saw her a few times while they're were passing in the car.

Thing is, what is she doing out, especially this late at night?

They didn't want to get a background check in her, since they'll feel like they would invade her personal life, they wanted her to tell them herself.

Once they reached the car came to a stop, Nevaeh got out and immediately faced the men.

"Thank you so much, I'm sorry for bothering you." She said, guilt lacing her voice, immediately softening their hearts at the considerate girl in-front of them.

"It was no bother. If you need anything you can come to any of us." Hades said, offering a small smile, which she returned.

"Goodnight." She said and they returned it.

She made her way inside the building and started making her way to her dorm.

They left as soon as they saw her enter safely and made sure that they needed to talk as a group on what to do.

She entered and had a quick shower then immediately went to her bed, she didn't even have the energy to eat, not like she had anything to eat.

Her eyes closed as soon as her head hit the pillow.



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