Chapter 13

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The car ride was silent, not even the radio was on, which is making Nevaeh more nervous than she is. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest, her fingers played with the end of her dress, trying to calm herself calm down.

But at the moment, nothing seemed to work, in fact, her anxiousness increased more each passing second, which Angel noticed, but he decided to stay quite for now.

The silence was becoming suffocating for her, it felt tense, too tense, her hands squeezed together in a tight fist, making her knuckles turn white, she gulped and snuck a glance at Angel, he seemed unaffected, calmly driving.

He noticed her discomfort and put a hand over her fisted hands, he pried them off the fist and held her hands gently, giving it the occasional squeeze, which honestly calmed her down a bit.

Nevaeh looked outside the window the whole time, observing her surroundings, they have been driving in a more secluded area for a while now, it even looks like a rich neighborhood, a few houses, not a lot.

They drove for a bit more then they reached a black gate, a keypad was on the wall and Angel rolled down his window and quickly put the password.

The heavy gate opened and Angel continued driving inside the gigantic mansion. Nevaeh's eyes widened in awe and surprise, it was the most beautiful house she's ever seen, if she can even call it a house, more like a castle.

Once they reached the front door there were multiple steps reaching the door with a fountain in the middle.

Nevaeh couldn't help but gasp at the sight in-front of her, never had she seen something this magical, and this was the outside, she hasn't seen the inside yet.

Angel parked the car and opened the door and got out, Nevaeh opened her door and stepped out, Angel was by her side in a second and was glaring down at her.

She looked at him confused, "What?" She asked.

"Why did you do that?" He asked, his voice hard.

Her frown deepened, "Do what?" She asked. She was really getting confused now, what did she do?

"I was about to open the door for you." He replied calmly, though their was a fire burning in his eyes.

"O-oh." Was her awkward answer. She didn't know what to say, no one have ever done that for her, which is why she was confused.

"Don't do that again next time." He warned and started walking in-front of her, knowing she'd follow.

Next time?

She didn't have much time to think about it as she started following closely behind him so she wouldn't get lost. She had to practically jog to keep up with his long strides, since her short legs weren't a match to his tall ones.

Once they went inside Nevaeh's mouth dropped open in shock, it was absolutely beautiful, the floors were so shiny she could see her reflection, everything looked expensive and clean, she was afraid she'd get something dirty if she touched anything.

Angel started leading her somewhere while she looked around, still mesmerized. They kept on walking until they reached a huge kitchen where the rest of the men were.

All conversation stopped as soon as she stepped into the room, their eyes roamed her body, her face, her wide eyes, everything about her.

"I hope you like spaghetti carbonara." Jonathan was the first to speak. A smile stretched on his face.

Nevaeh smiled, "Never had it." The men were shocked hearing her answer but decided to drop it.

"Well I'm sure you're gonna love it." Theodore said and stood up from his seat on the stool.

Nevaeh once again smiled, but her nerves were getting the worst of her.

Hades also stood up and started setting table, sneaking glances at her, she took a few steps forward and asked, "Is their anything I can do to help?"

They all stopped their movements and looked at her adoringly, awe visible in their eyes as she kept looking around.

"No its alright sweetheart, you're our guest after all." Eliot answered her with a soft smile on his face.

She nodded unsurely and stood awkwardly fiddling with her fingers.

Theodore offered her a seat and she took one hesitantly, squirming and looking at Hades every so often, she was feeling guilty that she isn't helping him, it was always her doing stuff, no one ever told her that's it's okay not to do anything.

After setting the table he called everyone and they sat down, the dining table was filled with different drinks and plates, the main portion being spaghetti carbonara.

Nevaeh sat down and looked at the food, it was decorated nicely, she never had these types of meals in her life.

Theodore dished her plate and sat it down in-front of her, she looked at it hesitantly and looked up at him. Not knowing what to do, we'll it's there to be eaten but she was unsure.

They all looked at her, waiting for her to start, but also admiring her. She slowly took a bite and nodded her head in approval.

"It's delicious!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm glad you liked it." Was Theodore's answer, a smile on his face, he really was happy that she like it.

They started when she did, feeling excited but also nervous at the same time, what if the plan fails? What if it all goes south? They had to wait, that's for sure.

They started eating and asking simple questions about her and her doing the same. It was nice and simple, just how they like it.

After they finished, Nevaeh insisted she helps cleaning up, which after a lot of light arguing, they agreed, they cleaned up and once they finished Theodore finally said the words she's been dreading.

"Now let's talk."


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