Chapter 65

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Nevaeh cried out as Eliot slammed into her, his grunt reaching her ears as she held into the silk sheets, her fingers digging into them.

Her back was pressed against his hard chest, her hair framing her face as her body flinched forward from his hard thrusts.

"Fuck, you feel so good." He moaned, reaching between them to pinch her clit.

Electric shots burned through her whole body as her head dropped, a loud moan leaving her parted lips.

He wrapped her hair around his fist and yanked her back, her body arching, making him slide in deeper.

Her eyes briefly closed when her phone rang, her eyes snapped open, looking at Jonathan who had her phone in his hands.

He looked at the contact before looking back at her, a small smirk covering his lips.

He walked over, holding the phone to show her,

Incoming call: Jade

"Answer it." His voice was rough, commanding.

She gasped when Eliot hit that certain spot, she clenched around him, her orgasm nearing.


"Answer the phone." He spoke again.

"That's crazy!"

He raised an eyebrow as Hades laid down, his tongue darting out and licking her pebbled flesh, sucking and biting.

"J-Jonathan please, d-don't." She begged, her eyes filling with tears from the pleasure.

"Answer the phone Nevaeh, or so help me I won't let you come." Eliot panted, pinching her other nipple as he slammed harder and harder into her.

Hesitantly she nodded her head, Jonathan pressed on the green button, putting it on speaker.

"H-hello?" Her voice came out breathless.

"Hey babe, how are you?" Jade's voice sounded from the phone.

Jonathan and Angel frowned at the endearment.

"I-I'm good, h-how about y-you?" Nevaeh bit her lip to suppress her moans, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'm good, thanks darling, are you free tomorrow?"

Nevaeh squeezed her eyes shut, clenching around Eliot.

"Y-yeah." She managed to speak.

"Great, I was thinking we could go out, you and me, you know, have lunch and do some shopping, what do you say?"

"T-that sounds g-great"

"Great, see you tomorrow then."


Jonathan hit the red button, his eyes on her.

"Such a good girl." Theo wiped her tears away, brushing his lips against hers before kissing her fiercely.

She cried through the kiss, her orgasm nearing.

"P-please, please l-let me-"

She couldn't even finish her sentence, her mouth dropped open as she came.

Eliot didn't stop his movements, only thrusting harder and faster till he stilled as he came.

Her head dropped, their harsh breaths mixing together, her hair stuck to her face, hissing when he pulled out, before gently letting her body drop on the bed.

Jonathan picked her up softly, walking to the bathroom and setting her in the bathtub, she sighed as the warm water hit her skin.

He gently washed her hair as she stared at the wall, deep in thought before she spoke.

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