Chapter 70

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It's been a few hours, Nevaeh managed to get some sleep, but every time she felt herself relax, her mind was there to remind her of what happened.

Every time she remembered the conversation with the guys, she felt her heart break piece by piece.

And to make matters worse, Angel's last sentence wrecked her, kept her thinking, his last sentence settled great fear inside her.

Every time she remembered the word mafia, her heart would speed up and her throat would close up, her chest would heave up and down in fear, her hands would shake, and great panic would rattle her bones,

Only this time, no one was there to comfort her, no one was there to calm her down and brush her tears away, no one was there to play with her hair and whisper sweet words in her ear.

She pushed them away, but they pushed her away way before she did, every time she thought of their cruel betrayal, her heart would squeeze painfully, like someone was holding her heart and squeezed it so tight it burst.

She missed them, greatly, and she loves them with all her being, but she couldn't get played anymore, she can't be played anymore, she's better than that, she's not the same helpless little girl she was back then, she's stronger and more confident, and she won't let anyone break her already broken heart anymore.

She snapped back into reality when a firm knock sounded at the door, no one spoke, but a small white piece of paper was slipped inside. She didn't make a move to get up and get it.

A shadow loomed behind the door for a while before that someone left, their silent footsteps stepping away from the door.

Nevaeh stayed put for a couple of seconds before curiosity forced her to get up.

She passed towards the door, picking up the paper,

Please eat, love
We miss you.

She immediately recognized Eliot's cursive handwriting in the first sentence and Jonathan's in the next one.

Her heart squeezed, a sigh leaving her lips as she stared at the note.

She quietly opened the door and quickly picked the tray of food before closing the door silently, she hoped no one heard even the slight creak.

Her heart warmed at the sight of her favorite meal, lasagna and cheesy breadsticks, basic, yes, but she didn't care.

It also contained two small tarts, one lemon and one strawberry, and some coke to wash the food down.

The dessert was defiantly Angel's doing, he might seem tough and aggressive on the outside, but he's a softie on the inside, and he really loved making sweets to her, and as a baker who bakes sweets all day long for people, she's pretty much lost her appetite for them, but it's nice having him make some for her.

But every time she thought of Angel, she remembered the word distraction. Was she a distraction? Did he consider her one? She winced at the thought of being a burden.

She ate her dinner in the quite empty room, her mind hazy and heart numb, after what she felt all day long, she didn't know what to feel anymore, it's like she's shut down.

She ate her food silently, no one there to keep her company, but that gave her time to think about what she's going to do,

She needed answers, and she will get them, whether they like it or not.

But not right now, first thing in the morning, giving her more time to avoid everyone, her boyfriends and her family.

A shaky sigh left her lips, she leaned against the headboard, the word family ringing in her head nonstop, it felt so surreal, it felt like a dream, she was in the same house as them, breathing the same oxygen, they told her the truth, and said they wanted her, wanted her as their daughter and sister, then why wasn't she happy? It's all she's ever wished for, a loving family, a mom, a dad, and siblings.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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