Chapter 4

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Nevaeh was slowly walking down the hall, each step as nerve wrecking as the step before. The closer she got, the more her heart pounded. The nearer she got, the more she wanted to turn back and run away.

But, she knew she couldn't that. She didn't want to appear ungrateful, after all, Mr King was taking out of his time to help her.

He could've said no and continued on with his day, and let her deal with the things she didn't understand, which he didn't.

Nevaeh glanced at her broken blue watch and sighed, 3:56. She didn't know whether to go now or wait a few more minutes. 'What if he was busy now and I interrupted him?' She asked herself.

After debating with her inner self, she decided to wait a few more minutes. She didn't want to appear greedy by coming early, and didn't want to appear as she didn't care for her education by coming late.

Which is why coming at the time he told her was perfect.

She leaned on the wall and kept looking at her watch, the halls were empty. It was deadly quite, she felt guilty that he was staying back in his office while other professors were not.

What she didn't know was, that he wasn't alone.

Nevaeh looked at her watch and narrowed her purple eyes slightly. She stood and dusted off the invisible dust off.

Once the clock hit 4 she lightly knocked on the door and waited for him to allow her in.

"Come in." A cold voice said.

A shiver ran down her spine, with a final breath she touched the cold door knob and slowly opened the door.

The sight that greeted her made her stop dead in her tracks.

There sat 'The Rulers.' Each one of them sprawled in the room. A glass of whiskey in their hands and all of them turning to stare blankly at her.

She gulped before fully entering and closed the door behind her, now she was really wishing she turned back and ran away.

She moved her head to look at her professor. Only to see him staring at her with a clenched jaw.

She took small steps forward and stood in-front of his desk. She played with the straps of her back and opened her mouth to speak, only for him to beat her first.

"Right on time, Miss Violet." He leaned back on his chair, silently observing her.

She nodded her head and replied, "Umm yes sir, I didn't wanna take more of your time." She hoped she sounded convincing enough.

He raised an eyebrow, impressed, while she heard a few manly chuckles behind her.

"Cute." One of the men muttered, 'Must be my imagination.' She thought to herself.

She felt her nerves getting the best out of her, standing small in-front of five powerful men. Each one of them making her feel different yet the same emotions. All feelings strange to her.

"Well let's get started, shall we?" He said and stood up, making his way to the table stationed beside his desk, which had two chairs beside each other.

Nevaeh walked behind him, feeling four pairs of eyes staring at her. All she did was but her lip, she wanted to look back, but she didn't at the same time.

Theodore pulled the chair out for her and he's turned towards it, once she took a seat he sat down.

She put her worn out bag on her lap and began talking out her books and notebook, along with her pen.

The men were too observant for their own good, being mafia dons, they need to be like that, looking over their shoulders and observing everyone, for any dangers or rats.

The men glanced at her bag, it was too worn out, the color has faded and it looks like it had been stitched and fixed a million times.

They slowly looked down and also notice Deb her shoes, also noticing that it's also in really bad shape. Theodore shook his head and glanced back at his friends, silently communicating.

All of them nodded their heads, silently agreeing on the same thing.

Theodore turned to look at the soft flower, only to find her staring at him, her eyes showing all her emotions, they were over the roof, but he could see the most obvious one, confusion.

He knew what she was confused about, but he decided to give it more time, he didn't want for him and his friends to scare her off, she needs more time to understand what she's feeling.

"Okay, what's the problem?" He asked and leaned down a bit to look at her notes.

Her hands slightly shook and she got a whiff of his manly cologne. It smelled really nice.

She told him what she didn't understand and showed him her notes. He was actually impressed, all of them were.

She was speaking so naturally and maturely, her notes were organized and the most important.

Theodore got to explaining and Nevaeh took down notes, asking questions in between.

The men piped in a few times, giving her another point of view to consider when writing and doing homework, which actually really helped.

Two hours passed and they were finally done. Nevaeh was happy and disappointed at the same time. She didn't want to leave, she actually felt free and not judged sitting with them.

She was happy to leave the room, she was feeling suffocated sitting in the same room as them. She needed a break, a breather.

Zipping up her bag, she was finally done packing up her stuff and ready to leave. She was happy until she remembered that she had work.

Her mood dampened, and the men noticed.

"So, Nevaeh-" Jonathan said, testing out her name, making goosebumps appear on her skin. Theodore noticed, since he was standing beside her, a smirk formed on his lips, which the others noticed.

"Y-yes?" Nevaeh stuttered, feeling anxious.

"I heard you have a scholarship."

Nevaeh nodded, confused, her lips forming a pout unconsciously.

"Your parents must be proud." Jonathan said.

Nevaeh felt like a knife stabbed her in the chest, a pang hit her hard. Tears filled her eyes and she bit the inside of her check to keep her sobs in.

She breathed in a shaky breath and said in a quite voice, hurt evident in her voice.

"Umm I'm an orphan."

Jonathan wished he'd kept his mouth shut, he never wanted to hurt himself so bad until this very moment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He said, honestly and concern in his voice.

"It's okay, but I hope they are." She said and smiled gently at them.

Turning around, "Thank you Mr King."  She smiled gratefully. Her dimples playing hide and seek.

Theodore smiled softly and looked down at her, "You're welcome, if you need anything, you can come to me."

With a final goodbye to the five men, Nevaeh left the office and started heading towards her dorm, to get ready for work, dreading the few hours to come.

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