Chapter 50

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Nevaeh sat down cautiously, her legs shaking. She was mad tho, she didn't get a release and her pussy throbbed, she breathed in a couple heavy breaths to calm herself down.

She glared at Theodore through the mirror, making sure to let him know that she's mad and irritated. He glanced at her, raising his eyebrow in question and amusement, still staring at her blankly.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, annoyed, to annoy him further she crawled further and sat on Hades lap, cuddling to his chest and kissing his lips sweetly.

His blank eyes looked down at her, her looking at him innocently with a silly grin.

His hand held her head, kissing her forehead and wrapping his arms around her small waist.

She lied her head in the crook of his neck, he jerked when he left her sucking on his neck, biting back a groan when she bit where she sucked.

"Merida." He hissed, feeling her hands trail down from his chest to is abs, settling there but running her hand up and down on his hard rock abs.

The others glanced at them, seeing her sucking and biting on his neck, Hades groaned, throwing his head back as her hand trailed lower and settled on his hard cock.

His hand sat on hers, pushing down on his cock, emitting a soft moan from him, he gulped, pushing her hand harder.

She messaged him through his trousers, squeezing just the tiniest bit before running her hand up and down his shaft.

"You like it, daddy?" She asked, her voice a whisper in his ear, her hot breath making him slightly shiver.

He hummed, running his thumb over her lower lip, "I do baby."

His hand then wrapped around her wrist, pausing her movements, she looked up at him with confusion swirling in her eyes.

"Once we reach, you can do anything you want." He said, kissing her forehead and playing with her hair.

She nodded unsurely and kept her hand on his chest, looking out the window. Her phone binged, indicating a message.

She checked and saw it was from Jade,

'Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow, luv you.'

Her brows furrowed in confusion, fun? What fun? She felt them staring at her, she looked up and saw Hades, Eliot and Jonathan looking at her with smirks plastered on their cold faces.

"What?" She asked as she replied to Jade's text.

"Nothing." Eliot replied, shrugging his broad shoulders in innocence.

She too shrugged and dropped it, looking out the window. Her head laid on his shoulder.

The car ride was silent, a good silence, they were all lost in their own thoughts, tho she was lost in the thought of them and them lost in the thought of her.

She played with Hades fingers till they reached another mansion, it wasn't as big as Theo's parents house but it was also big.

She sat up in confusion as she stared at the unfamiliar mansion. Before she could ask Jonathan responded to her unasked question.

"It's one of our houses." He got out of the car and came over to the other side, opening the door for her as the others got out too.

She jumped off Hades' lap and fixed her skirt, patting it down since it had ridden up to her upper thighs.

Hades got out, slamming the door shut. She jumped when she left a sting on her ass. Her surprised eyes connecting with Hades' mischievous ones.

She put her hand on her left ass check and rubbed it. It stung at first, but it then turned into something else, just like it did when Theodore had spanked her for the first time.

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