Chapter 38

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Angel leaned his forehead on Nevaeh's, his arms still wrapped her slim waist, rubbing small circles. Her hand was rubbing his good shoulder, occasionally leaving a soft kiss.

"Thank you, sweet girl." He whispered, kissing the corner of her soft swollen lips.

Her brows furrowed in confusion, she squeezed his hand, "For what?" She asked while playing with the rings on his long fingers.

"For helping me silly." He chuckled and held her small soft hand in his big rough one and bought her hand to his mouth kissing her knuckles.

As usual, Nevaeh blushed a deep red, it was always those soft little kisses and gentle touches that made her go red.

She kissed his cheek, then ran her fingers through his soft black hair, "I'll always help you, you don't need to thank me." She smiled her breathtaking smile, making his heart flip.

"Such a sweet girl, Hmm?" He kissed her collarbone and ran his hand down her thigh, then back to her lower hip.

"Answer me Nevaeh." He commanded, his eyes dark.

Nevaeh gulped, feeling hot all of sudden, with heavy breaths she answered, "Y-yes."

A smile, not his usual smile, stretched on his face, it made her feel something different, it made her feel things, things she's never felt before.

"Good girl." He pulled her into another heated kiss, sliding his tongue inside her mouth, his hands were caressing her curves, sliding to the back of her neck to pull her closer.

Her soft hands were pressed against his hard muscular chest, then traveled down to his hard rock abs. Their touches felt like fire on their skin, making both their hearts beat faster and faster by the second.

They pulled away, both their eyes filled with lust, his swollen lips moved down to her neck, attacking it with rough and wet kisses, no doubt leaving marks, a loud moan left her parted lips when he sucked on her sweet spot.

Her hand ran through his soft hair, tugging on it, a deep groan left from the back of his throat, his hand tightening on her neck.

Nevaeh was snapped back to reality, her eyes snapped open and she quickly scrambled off his lap, her chest heaved up and down as her dazed eyes took in the sight of his injuries, her swollen red lips were parted as she breathed heavily.

All while Angel started at her with confusion, had he done something wrong? Did he go too far? All sorts of bad things were going through his head, did he mess up?

His heart squeezed for some reason, but all that went away when her soft voice sounded in the big quiet bathroom.

"Y-you're hurt, w-we can't d-do anything, a-and I probably h-hurt you when I s-sat o-on your l-lap." Her voice was shaky, filled with fear, she was on the verge of crying, afraid that she had hurt him when she sat on his lap.

A heavy weight lifted off his shoulders, a relived smile broke on his face, he pulled her by her by her waist, making her stand between his spread legs, and he lightly kissed her chest.

"You didn't hurt me love, I love having you sitting on my lap." He gave her waist a soft squeeze before holding her hands firmly in his.

Nevaeh blushed a deep red, her eyes roamed around, not making eye contact with him , her heart beat erratically in her chest, she didn't know what to say, or what to think.

Her mouth opened and closed a couple times before she built up the confidence to muster, "Y-you need to r-rest, I-I'll make us s-something to e-eat." She stuttered before she held his hands and looked at him.

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