Chapter 10

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He kissed her hungrily, devouring her whole, he wrapped his free hand around her petite waist and bought her flush against his hard muscular body.

She put her hands on his hard chest, not knowing what to do. It was her first kiss! She didn't know what to do, so she just followed his movements.

He smiled against her lips, he felt her reciprocating, giving an effort.

The warmth of his mouth felt astonishing, never had she felt like this.

It was electrifying.

She was lost in his minty breath, his soft lips, his hard chest, everything.

He bit her lower lip, demanding entrance. Nevaeh, confused, opened her mouth. As soon as she did, his tongue dove in inside her mouth.

He explored every part of her mouth, his tongue met hers, deepening the kiss. He lightly sucked, enjoying the feeling of his lips on soft pink ones.

But, suddenly her eyes snapped open, she realized what she was doing and with all her might, pushed him away.

Shocked, Hades stumbled back, Jonathan lightly caught him.

Both Nevaeh and him were out of breath, lips swollen and red. He looked at her and his heart broke.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she lightly touched her swollen lips.

She looked up at him, refusing to let her tears fall.

She ran and went to open the door, only to find it locked.

She yanked and tried to open it, but the door wouldn't budge, and their wasn't a key!

Theodore stood up from his chair that's behind the desk and moved towards her. He wrapped his arm around her stomach and pulled her to his muscular chest. He shushed her and tried calling her down.

Well she barley reached his chest anyways.

Her back was against him, she struggled against his tight hold, but to her misfortune, it was unsuccessful.

Eventually she gave up and stood still in his arms, still refusing to let her tears fall.

He put his free hand in his suit pocket and took out the key.

He put his hand forward and showed her key, she tensed seeing that the key was with him the entire time.

She struggled once again, and this time tears of frustration fell against her cheeks like rivers.

"L-let me g-go!" She cried.

"Not until you calm down and stop being a brat." Theodore said through gritted teeth.

That, made her stop and turn around to face him, still in his arms.

What he didn't know, the word cut right through her already broken heart.

To other people, it's normal and doesn't really matter much, but when she was a kid, she was always called a brat and ungrateful, when she didn't even do anything, 'brat' was the name the first orphanage used to call her.

Her tears bought hurt to all of them, this wasn't supposed to him!

"I-I'm not a-a b-brat." She whispered dejectedly.

She broke down in his arms, her head fell on his chest as she cried her heart out.

Her body trembled, and shook uncontrollably, her shaky hands held his suit tightly, right where his stomach is.

He ran his hand through her soft silky hair, "Shh it's okay sweetheart."

He kept repeating the action till her cries turned into sniffles, her head was pounding, feeling like it would burst.

Her eyes were so red, tired and droopy, from all the crying.

She suddenly hiccuped, making her eyes widen. She hoped no one heard, but they did. She slowly looked up at Theodore, only to find him already looking at her.

Her face flushed a deep red as she let go off him.

"I-I'm sorry." She whispered, her voice hoarse from the crying

"No need to apologize darling, but we do need to talk." He said, his eyes softening.

She nodded but then remembered something, she looked at her watch and shit! 

She's late for work!

"I need to go!" She exclaimed and ran for the door, but then remembered that it's locked.

She turned around and looked at Theodore pleadingly.

"Why?" Angel asked with concern in his eyes.

"I'm late for work!" She explained hurriedly and sighed in relief when she saw Theodore opening the door.

They nodded, even when they didn't know that works.

"Thank you." She breathed out and ran outside with a goodbye.

"This is why she's always tired." Jonathan said once the door was closed.

They nodded their heads, all thinking the same thing.

"Why don't we invite her over for dinner so we can talk?" Angel suggested.

"Yeah, we can have some privacy and explain everything." Eliot continued.

The others thought about the offer for a moment until they nodded their heads in agreement.

"Then it's settled, we'll invite her over and talk over dinner." Theodore settled and walked over to his desk.

Well, they certainly didn't plan this.


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