Chapter 45

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It was one hour before they land, and Theo felt Nevaeh stir on his lap, his hand never left her soft long locks, running through them and messaging the nape of her neck, he'd feel the knots untangling and relaxing.

Her brows furrowed, and so he'd massage between her brows, relaxing them, a pout would form on her red kissable lips, he lightly ran his thumb over her lower lip, wanting to kiss them and to trap it between his teeth, he wanted to mark her.

She stirred some more, shuffling closer to his body, her face was now directly in front of his crotch, but he had to keep his calm, it's not the time of these unholy thoughts.

He shuffled a bit, the slight movement catching his friends attention, they all looked up from their work on their laptops and stared at him before they started laughing at him, he groaned, annoyed, and ran his hand down his face.

"Shut up!" He spoke through gritted teeth.

They didn't quiet down tho, their laughter making Nevaeh move, obviously hearing them.

She turned, her back to Theodore as she gripped his thigh, they stopped when they heard a quite but hearable moan slip past her lips.

They glanced at each other, then back at her.

Her hands were clenching Theo's pants tightly, her lips parted as heavy breaths left her parted lips.

Her thighs clenched as she moaned quietly, she wasn't moaning in pain, but rather something else, she was dreaming something hot.

The dream was indeed hot and dirty, it was all these pent up feelings and urges she's been experiencing ever since meeting them.

The guys knew straight away, they glanced at each other, then back at her, her face was red, her eyes squeezed shut, her lips red and parted, small huffs escaping them.

They decided not to do anything and just let her be, which they didn't have to wait long for as she woke up seconds later, her hair sticking to her forehead.

She slowly looked up at Theo, her eyes dark and filled lust and desire, he was already looking down at her with his usual blank face.

"Did you have a good nap?" He asked, rubbing his thumb on her lower lip.

Her eyes widened in shock, a smirk appearing on their faces at her surprised expression.

She cleared her throat, her face becoming hot and her heart beating rapidly. She dreamed something, and they heard her.

She closed her eyes in embarrassment.

"Nothing to be shy about, but I have to ask, what did you dream about?" Eliot teased, a mischievous smile on his face.

Nevaeh groaned and got up, sitting on Theo's lap and hiding her face in his neck, his arms wrapping around her waist.

She still felt hot tho, and that dream wasn't getting out of her head. So she decided to try something.

She positioned herself on Theo's lap, her arms hanging loosely on his shoulders, her eyes dazed as she stared at his lips, without a second thought she smashed her lips against his.

It took him a moment to register what happened, he was shocked, but he, as well as the others liked the sudden confidence.

His arm wrapped around her waist, giving it a squeeze, her hands wrapped around his neck, bringing him closer, she bit his lip, hard.

He opened his mouth, allowing her access to do whatever she wants, he pulled her body close to his, her hands now resting on his muscular chest, his bringing her in as much as he can.

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