Chapter 66

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Nevaeh's eyes widened, she stared at Jade with a shocked face, her mouth dropped open.

"J-Jade, what a-are you doing?" Her voice was shaky.

Jade didn't reply, only staring at her intensely with a dark look in her eyes, her eyes, similar to Theo's, had darkened.


She blinked, shook her head and straightened up, she ran a hand through her long black shiny hair and offered Nevaeh a smile.

"Sorry, I zoned out." She linked her arms with Nevaeh's and headed to the kitchen.

Nevaeh walked silently beside her, her mind still in shock.

"Good morning, Nevaeh!" Sophia chirped, standing up and hugging her tightly.

"How are you dear? The boys aren't giving you trouble, are they?" She raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

Nevaeh smiled, "I'm doing good, thank you, and no, they aren't, they're perfect." She sighed, her eyes lightening up.

Sophia chuckled, "Well I'm glad, do let me know if they do something, we'll handle them for you." She winked then sat down.

"Grab a bite before you leave." She popped a strawberry in her mouth.

Nevaeh nodded, taking a seat next to Jade who was staring at her intensely.

She gave her a smile, not sure what's going on, Jade is acting different.

They ate something quickly and had something to drink then they went to clear the table, Sophia had to answer a call so she left the kitchen.

Nevaeh was washing her utensils when she felt hands snake around her waist. She flinched, the cup almost falling from her hands.

She angled her head slightly behind her, Jade's taller frame looking down at her.

"J-Jade?" Her voice was shaky.

Jade pressed herself against her, her hot breath fanning her neck, Nevaeh shivered, looking unsurely at her.

"W-what are y-you doing?" She gulped and rolled her bottom lip between her teeth.

Jade's eyes followed the movement, her eyes narrowed while her grip tightened on her waist.

"Cazzo." Jade stepped away from Nevaeh like she burned her and leaned on the counter, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

Nevaeh placed the cup down, walking over to Jade and placing a hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay? We don't have to go out, we can stay here and have fun." Nevaeh suggested, her worried gaze lookin her up and down for any signs of discomfort.

Jade held a hand up, "No no, I'm fine, let's just go." She quickly dismissed and picked her purse.

"Mom! We're leaving!"

"Have fun girls!" Sophia entered the kitchen and hugged them.

"Stay safe." She warned.

They nodded and headed to the door, heading towards Jade's black Range Rover.

They got in started heading towards the mall,  music was playing from the radio. Nevaeh stared at the mirrors, noticing three black cars behind them.

"It's the guards." Jade spoke while keeping her eyes on the road.

Nevaeh's brows pulled together, "Why do you guys need so much guards anyway?" She asked, her face full of confusion.

Jade stiffened, she tried to come up with an answer, "We own many businesses, you don't know when someone pops up and tries to hurt us."

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