Chapter 29

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Nevaeh groaned when she felt someone shaking her shoulder, she pulled the covers over her head and shuffled a bit, but the person waking her up clearly wasn't having it.

"Come one love, you need to wake up." A rough voice spoke, clearly haven't been awake for long.

A whine left her, she was feeling so comfortable and warm, let's not forget the sleepiness, it's like she didn't sleep at all.

After a while of Eliot shaking her, Nevaeh decided to just get up and get ready for the day, besides, it's the last day, so she's hoping it goes well.

With an annoyed sigh she opened her eyes and pulled the covers off her body. She blinked, trying to adjust to the light.

Eliot was standing near the nightstand, his arms crossed across his chest with an eyebrow raised.

"Hi?" Nevaeh smiled sheepishly, wringing her hands together in a cute attempt to make him less mad at her for not waking up the first time.

Eliot smiled, he can't even be mad at her, he bent down and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, "Hey sweet girl, go get ready so we can have breakfast."

Nevaeh muttered an 'okay' and got up, she went to the bathroom and did her business, brushed her teeth and washed her face.

She got out and found some clothes on the bed, she went over and checked the clothes, they were all her size and clearly new, seeing as the papers were still on them.

She put on the clothes, well they were a lot of clothes she just chose what she liked most, they were all expensive and too much.

After she finished she looked at the mirror and nodded to herself, she looked good and made a mental note to thank the men for the clothes, it was still strange to her when they get her anything. She still wasn't used to it.

Leaving her hair down she started walking down the stairs quietly, a cold gust of wind passed her making her shiver.

Nevaeh reached the kitchen, being met with the men, all sitting down with their dark suits and bulging muscles threatening to tear off the fabric.

Jonathan was the first to notice her and a smile immediately broke out on his face, "Good morning love."

A red tint painted Nevaeh's cheeks, no matter how many times they call her these sweet names she's still not used to them.

"Good morning." She smiled at the five, making them return her smile and greeting.

She went over and sat in Eliot's lap, making his arms wrap around her waist protectively.

A plate of food was placed in front of her making her look up at Angel who flashed her a warm smile, "Eat up, you have a test and you need to concentrate."

Nevaeh thanked him quietly and looked at the plate, no one had prepared breakfast, it felt strange but nice to have someone do these simple things and being taken care of. After staring at the plate Nevaeh took small bites while the men ate their own food, while also conversing with each other.

They kept encouraging her that she's gonna do well and not to worry, her heart fluttered with great joy and happiness, she's never had anyone to share her anxious and nervous feelings,and here they are, supporting her and making her know that she's not alone.

"Thank you for the clothes." She said after she finished her last bite.

"Don't thank us darling, anything you want and need will always be ready for you." Jonathan said seriously, his eyes glowing with adoration.

Nevaeh blushed, no one has ever said such kind words to her, it felt nice. With a quite shy 'thank you' she got up and went to wash her plate, being stopped by a strong arm wrapping around her small torso, "It's okay, leave it."

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