Chapter 36

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Long fingers ran through Nevaeh's hair, her pink plump lips slightly parted as soft breaths sounded through the room, her long eyelashes kissed her soft freckled cheeks, she was looking so sweet and calm, not like the scared girl yesterday night.

Eliot gently traced her cheekbone, her skin as soft as a baby's skin, he was worried from what he heard last night, he kept tossing and turning in his bed, trying to come up with an explanation of what happened, but he came up with nothing.

His eyes trailed over her angelic face, then slowly moved down to her collarbones, his brows furrowed as he started at them, they were popping out, more clear.

His thumb traced over them, he shivered feeling her bone, he was even more concerned now, is she not eating enough?

He shook his head, knowing that in the time they'll spend time together things will be different.

He decided to get up and prepare some breakfast for her, he loves cooking, and especially for her. With one last look her slowly got and leaned forward, leaving a soft peck on her forehead.

He descended down the stairs and into the kitchen, seeing Theodore and Jonathan sitting on the stools having their coffee.

They greeted each other and Eliot started preparing breakfast, they didn't say a word, their minds on the girl upstairs, Angel didn't return home last night, he stayed in the warehouse, taking out his pent up frustration on the prisoners.

He couldn't go home and risk her seeing him covered in blood. It would scare her to the core.

He sighed as he gulped down the rest of his bourbon, his throat burning, he slammed the glass down and got up, grabbing his phone and keys from his wallet and leaving his office, locking the door on the way out.

He got inside his car and started driving home, his hands twitching around the steering wheel, itching to hold their girl.

Theodore was in the middle of answering an email when he received a phone call, he looked at the name, immediately recognizing the caller.

He picked up, "Hello." His tone was blank, as usual.

The person on the other line spoke, whatever he was saying seemed to make Theodore angry by the clenching of his fists and the dark look on his face.

"The meetings in an hour." The man on the other side spoke, his tone matching Theodore's.

"We'll be there."

"What's wrong?" Eliot asked as he finished preparing breakfast.

"Half of the shipment that came in yesterday was stolen, they also just found out, and they're not happy." He explained.

"The shipment from Brazil?" Jonathan asked, his face unreadable.

Theodore nodded, "It's a big shipment, for the six families, and a huge loss if we don't find get it it back." He spoke, the others nodding in agreement.

"But that only means one thing." He said.

"We have a rat." They said at the same time, looking at each other.

"And that could put Nevaeh in danger, which is why we need to find this cagna as soon as possible." Theodore spoke through gritted teeth, his head already thinking of who could be this stupid to cross him.

"An hour." They said before they separated ways in the house, Eliot picking up the tray of food for Nevaeh and headed up the stairs.

He slowly reached Hades's room, seeing that he covered her from the cold winter air before he left to handle some business, he quietly walked over to the side where she was sleeping and put the tray down on the nightstand.

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